
Splash + Scrapy ( for javascript rendering)

Hi, I am new here. Is it possible to run splash? is yes, how to do so?

Hi there, I haven't come across splash before, but it seems to install just fine. We have all the dependencies. Use

pip2.7 install --user splash

Or use a virtualenv if you prefer.

Let us know it works OK!

Thanks.. I have successfully install splash and get it running. It suppose to listen http request at port 8050enter image description here

however i check any port open using "netstat -ntlp | grep LISTEN", port 8050 is not openenter image description here

Can you help on this?

Ah, I don't think we realised you wanted to run a network server. The only kind of server we support is a WSGI-based web server. You might be able to start a TCP server listening on another port, but it won't be externally accessible (and the IP address it binds to on our internal network will be pretty much random).

My bad for misleading.. splash is just a lightweight browser with an HTTP API, implemented in Python using Twisted and QT. ( Can u help to check which port I can use for listening? the port just for internal use between two application. I have try use other ports but they not working.

I found out the problem. every different console in account is a different docker console. when splash is running, it only open port 8050 at that dock environment. when i check the opening port, i check it in another console. That's the reason it's not opened.

That's pretty much correct; each console should be regarded as a separate machine. If you run both commands from the same console, then it should work (though we don't guarantee that will always be the case in the future).