
Any way to host a shared console on own domain?

Is there any way I can host the shared bash console on my own domain?

Let's say I have my own website and I want people to be able to access the shared console hosted here on PythonEverywhere, but they use it on my website. Is there an supported way to do this?

Just wondering- what is the use case for this? Check out the help pages about this. Do you want to give people just any console, or a console with your files etc in it? Keep in mind that once you share something like that, they can go and do stuff like delete your files etc.

Thanks for your reply Conrad.

I want to give specific people access to a console where they can access and use my script. They will login to my own website and can access the console there. I am aware of the fact that they can delete files etc.

So the console they will need to see is the console with the script already loaded and that I have shared with them through PythonAnywhere, just hosted on my own website.

I found a way.

Thanks for the link to the help section.