
Django 1.9 admin error

Hi, I'm following the tutorial at and everything is going great until trying to access the admin site. I get the "Something went wrong [...] Error code: Unhandled Exception" screen.

I checked the error log and it shows this:

2015-12-07 19:33:39,319 : File "/home/numerand/mysite/polls/", line 1, in <module> 2015-12-07 19:33:39,320 : from django.apps import AppConfig 2015-12-07 19:33:39,320 :ImportError: No module named 'django.apps'

...don't know why django.apps isn't found. Any help much appreciated!

BTW, I made the recommended edits to the wsgi file for django versions 1.7+. Also found this release note ( and made the required edits to

Quick check- Were you using a virtualenv? If so, you need to set your virtualenv explicitly under the webapps tab.

If not, I would recommend setting up one and installing django1.9 into it to avoid version conflicts. (and setting the virtualenv in the webapps tab)

This did it; thanks for pointing out!

Excellent, thanks for confirming!