
It seems like all files aren't being pushed to github (after git add --all)

I do "git add --all" then I commit the whole thing. This is my first push to github so I just wanted everything pushed.

So, git commit -m"making initial commit to github" ... git push ...

So here I am happy to get it going since it's my first experience using github and git and it's working.

But the mysite/ is empty. So, all the actual work on my pythonanywhere site isn't being pushed. I sort of want it all there so my code can be reviewed by peers and employers. How do I fix or what direction do I go to look for a fix?

Edit: Ok so i found out its being uploaded as a sub module

That sounds strange; I'd definitely recommend against using submodules if you can find a way not to. They're a very powerful feature in git, but definitely not a good one to use until you've got more experience with it.