
You do not have permission to perform this action error

import requests from console import get_consoles_running from file import list_files

def start_console(username, token, executable, arguments, working_directory): # Define the API URL to start a new console url = f'{username}/consoles/'

# Set the authorization header
headers = {'Authorization': f'Token {token}'}

# Define the parameters for starting a new console
console_params = {
    "executable": executable,
    "arguments": arguments,
    "working_directory": working_directory

# Send a POST request to start a new console
response =, json=console_params, headers=headers)

if response.status_code == 201:
    console_id = response.json()['id']
    print(f'Console started successfully. Console ID: {console_id}')
    return console_id
    print(f'Failed to start the console. Error: {response.status_code} - {response.text}')
    return None

def main(): username = 'xxxxxx' api_key = 'xxxxxxxxx' working_directory = '/home/xxx/xxx' executable = 'python3' arguments = '-i /bin/'

# Check and kill existing running consoles
existing_consoles = get_consoles_running(username, api_key)
if existing_consoles != "No running consoles found.":
    print (existing_consoles)
    for console in existing_consoles:
        console_id = console['Console ID']
        kill_console(username, api_key, console_id)

# Start a new console
console_id = start_console(username, api_key, executable, arguments, working_directory)

if console_id:
    # List files in the specified working directory
    path = working_directory
    file = list_files(username, api_key, path)
    input_text = f'python {file}\n'  # Replace '' with your Python file name

    # Send input to the console
    response_send_input = send_input_to_console(username, api_key, console_id, input_text)
    print (response_send_input.text)
if response_send_input.status_code == 200:
    print(f'Input sent successfully to run "{input_text.strip()}" in the console.')

    # Retrieve the latest console output
    url_get_output = f'{{username}}/consoles/{console_id}/get_latest_output/'
    headers = {'Authorization': f'Token {api_key}'}
    response_get_output = requests.get(url_get_output, headers=headers)

    if response_get_output.status_code == 200:
        console_output = response_get_output.json()
        print('Console output:')
        print('Failed to retrieve console output.')
    print(f'Failed to send input to the console.')

def kill_console(username, token, console_id): # Add code to send a DELETE request to kill a console using the API headers = {'Authorization': f'Token {token}'}

url_kill_console = f'{username}/consoles/{console_id}/'
response_kill_console = requests.delete(url_kill_console, headers=headers)
return response_kill_console

def send_input_to_console(username, token, console_id, input_text): # Add code to send input to the console using the API url_send_input = f'{{username}}/consoles/{console_id}/send_input/' headers = { 'Authorization': f'Token {token}' }

data_send_input = {
    'input': input_text
response_send_input =, data=data_send_input, headers=headers)
return response_send_input

if name == 'main': main()

Which line raises that error?