
Telegram webhook not working

I have 2 telegram bots running on the same flask server. One of them is working well, but the other is failing.

For some reason, Telegram is able to reach the server but idk why the other bot is failing. I already revoked the bot token (which was working to send msgs), renamed and reset the endpoint. But still not working and not logs about any error.

The bot stopped working suddenly, it was nothing I did wrong. I barely modify them because they have been working well for months (almost 2 years).

Does anybody has a solution for this issue?

Maybe add some logging to get more visibility in the logs.

I already added logs. Once a request is received, it is logged. For one bot it works well, but the other one doesn't log anything. It is like it doesn't receive any update, so the issue would be on Telegram side.

If the request is not being logged, then it is not reaching PythonAnywhere and you will need to investigate why that might be the case.