
How do I add KeyboardButtons to telepot bot?

Sorry if this is a stupid question, but every other forum discussing this had a different code from mine. I copied the text from the pythonanywhere tutorial: Here is the code:

from flask import Flask, request
import telepot
import urllib3

proxy_url = "http://proxy.server:3128"
telepot.api._pools = {
    'default': urllib3.ProxyManager(proxy_url=proxy_url, num_pools=3, maxsize=10, retries=False, timeout=30),
telepot.api._onetime_pool_spec = (urllib3.ProxyManager, dict(proxy_url=proxy_url, num_pools=1, maxsize=1, retries=False, timeout=30))

secret = "secret"
bot = telepot.Bot('token')
bot.setWebhook("{}".format(secret), max_connections=1)

app = Flask(__name__)

@app.route('/{}'.format(secret), methods=["POST"])
def telegram_webhook():
    update = request.get_json()
    if "message" in update:
        chat_id = update["message"]["chat"]["id"]
        if "text" in update["message"]:
            text = update["message"]["text"]
            if text == "/start":
                bot.sendMessage(chat_id, "Bot starting.")
            bot.sendMessage(chat_id, "From the web: sorry, I didn't understand that kind of message")
    return "OK"

This code works well, but I don't know how to correctly add KeyboardButtons to this code, can someone please help?

read the doc please -

or use telebot (pyTelegrambot API ) this framework is much beginner friendly than others

@SKB thanks for sharing!