
Outage 2015.09.05 afternoon ET ?

Since 2 PM ET my websites are down due to an issue on the back-end. Is this a problem are experiencing as well, or am I the only one?

Any ETA on a solution ? Thanks

Hi there, sorry about that, we had an outage. Things are coming back online now. Apologies to you and everyone else affected. Let us know if you see any more problems...

Nope. Web sites don't work And I still can't reload site.

Have a look now? The web servers seem to have settled down into more normal operating parameters...

Seems to be working now Woooof What seemed to be the issue? Why such a long outage ? Hours?! How many have been affected? What to do to minimize these outages? Thanks

Seems to be up and running. Sort of. Not as fast as it was before the outage , but I don't have yet any Google Analytics numbers to support this feeling...

So I looked on the server log and I see that not all workers "announced their loyalty to the emperor" 6 workers have been spawned but only 4 announced loyalty and then an error from web2py (?!)... The error log is full of "I:O errors...Generator exit" errors.

  1. Can you please make sure that all 6 workers are actually ... at work ?
  2. Do you have access to my logs ? Would you like me to send you these files ?


Hi ICD10,

You see the generator exit error when a page load is interrupted in the middle. (eg: if you refresh the page a couple times before it finishes loading)

  1. I logged on to the web server that your webapp is running and I can confirm that all 6 workers are running.
  2. We do have access to your logs.

Now it works fine Many thanks !

Thanks for confirming! We'll be posting an outage report on our blog later on today, BTW.