
Can't access web app

Hello. i have two web apps that were working some days before :

Now i can not access both of them, i tried different browsers, checked everything in my hosting provider's settings and nothing works, also i would like to find out my web apps' ip-addresses. would you please tell me how can i do it, or can you just give them to me so i could write them in my hosting's A - record. Thanks.

Hi there -- both of them seem to be working just fine at the moment. One thing to make clear -- the websites you have set up with us are "www.XXXX" domains -- that is, they are and

If you're not getting your sites when you go to the domain without the "www." at the start, perhaps you had some kind of HTTP redirector set up on another site somewhere, and that's not working right now?

We really don't recommend that you set up DNS using A records for PythonAnywhere-hosted websites -- it bypasses our load-balancing infrastructure, so they'll be less reliable and you may also have to change the A records at short notice in the future. CNAMEs, which you're already using, are much better. More info here.