
virtual environments question

I ran into an issue where I need a newer version of peewee installed, and looking at the docs I think virtual environments are the recommended way to do that, correct?

I have a pretty heavy application, do I have to use the 'virtual-env wrapper', do I need to install all packages I use? I find it very confusing, sorry. A walkthrough would really be appreciated here.

Thanks, Todd

hi there,

You don't have to use virtual-env wrapper with virtualenvs- it's just an optional thing to make it easier to use/setup.

You will have to reinstall all the packages into the virtualenv, unless you pass in a particular flag when creating your virtualenv to tell it to also allow/consider external packages.

Instead of using a virtualenv, you could try to do pip install --user --upgrade peewee, which will just install it for your user. Given that "your app is heavy", perhaps play around with that and see if it works before going the virtualenv route?

Thanks, "pip install --user --upgrade peewee" worked like a charm. I was trying to install the package before without the "--upgrade" option thinking it would need to fully install the different version in the --user directory.
