
Uploading App Failed

I tried to upload a Web2py packaged app and I get this error: Secure Connection Failed The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading. The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because the authenticity of the received data could not be verified.

My app is 850MB, however, when I tried to upload/install a very small size test packaged app that is basically the same w2p-package without the content I have no problem, it installed fine.

Please kindly advise.

Hi, kakasFDD310. Yes, the error is probably caused by the file size - it's too big to be uploaded the "normal" way. Since you are a paying customer, you can access your account via SSH and therefore use scp to upload your app. That should work fine.

Example command you could use (from your local computer):

scp  path/to/your-app.w2p

I uploaded the test app using sftp and it worked fine, however, when I uploaded the app that is 850MB the same way using sftp I get the following error when I try to access the domain: Internal Error Ticket Unrecoverable

Please kindly advise.

I just noticed that I get that same error on all 3 my domains now. Something really went wrong.

What I did just before this happened is to create a second database. Is it possible that this is causing all my sites to crash?

You'd have to look at the content of the ticket to determine what is going wrong.

There is no content for the ticket, you click on it nothing happens, it's the same Internal Error Ticket Unrecoverable error msg.

Two things could have caused this: I uploaded the 850MB app using sftp as suggested but I don't know how that could effect my other domains/sites

I created a second database.

I wonder if creating a second database is more likely to have caused to have all 3 of my sites down. I already had a database created before and I thought I am supposed to create an other database for my new site that I am trying to set up now.

I really don't know but now my company site is down so I would like to fix this.

There may be some indication of the problem in the error log for your web app. Have you looked there?

Yeah, here it is: OSError: [Errno 122] Disk quota exceeded: Is that possible? I should have more space, can you please check?

You have 1G of disk space and it's all used up.

Yes, you're right, I didn't realize that, I should have checked.

I just tried to change the 1GB to 2GB which actually doesn't change the monthly fee. However, I just noticed that now when I try to pay using Paypal it's asking me for credit card info so I can only do it tomorrow, but I wonder why I have to process the Paypal payment if the monthly fee doesn't actually change.

In any case, thanks very much for your help.

Hi there, I think there might have been a 25c change in your monthly fee?