
Error code: 502-backend

No errors in error.log but receiving 502-backend error when attempting to load site. Have attempted reload and wait, but still not working.

Server log output shows following lines which I believe might be related but cannot find resolution with via forums or otherwise.

2022-12-07 11:15:39 unable to load configuration from pip
2022-12-07 11:15:39 VACUUM: unix socket /var/sockets/ removed.

Any help would be appreciated.

That would normally point to a problem happening at a low level when your site is started. Is it doing any kind of work at the module level -- that is, outside of the view functions that you've defined?

What would this consist of? I'm not aware of anything outside of the functions I've defined that would be affecting.

Essentially any code that would run at import time (that is, not inside functions), either in your site's code, or in files that you've written that it imports.