
File upload speed

I just made my website public ( and many people are experiencing long times for their files to upload. Files less than 30MB are taking many minutes to upload. I recently upgraded to the hacker plan which claims to be able to support a 100,000 hit per day website, but having gotten just under 1000 hits since making the announcement, I can't understand why people are having this issue.

Can someone help me understand the issue and how I might be able to get around it?

I see that you contacted us over email as well -- as we've already answered there, let's continue the conversation over that medium.

@kynnemall, did you get an answer for your response?

I have the same issue on my flask webapp. It's taking ages when people try and upload files over 30MB. i upgraded from hacker to a custom plan with more web workers and cpu time but that didn't help.

It turned out that the slow upload speed was only an issue for people using their work wifi in my old job. Outside of the office, the upload speed was fine.

@kynnemall good to know!

@tsibanda Looks like we are already talking in other thread.