
Unable to restart the application.

Unable to restart the application. After clicking on the "reload", a message with the text "Sorry, there was a problem. You many need to check your DNS setup. Or, if you're using a virtualenv, you should check whether its Python version matches the one you've specified here. If it keeps happening, please send us feedback.".

What did I do wrong?

Just at the entrance to my web application server sends the error "Error code: 502-loadbalancer"

Are you still having problems? Your site seems to load OK now...

Yes, at the moment everything is working properly and the server no longer sends error "Error code: 502-loadbalancer". Thank you.

I'm getting the same 'Need to check DNS' error message on trying to reload application. But now my application is working ok.

I am getting the same error now, when trying to start my new webapp. I guess I'll wait and check on it later.

We're investigating this problem; the initial indication is that the error was spurious -- web apps were reloading and being created correctly, but this was happening very slowly (more than 30 seconds), which triggered a timeout in the reload code and made it think something was wrong with the web apps themselves. Does that fit in with what you were seeing?

Yes that sounds right. Other file operations were intermittently running very slow around the same time too.

OK, thanks for letting us know. Were the other file operations from inside your web app, from consoles, or from the PythonAnywhere "Files" tab? Or all three? Just trying to narrow down exactly what might have caused the problem.

I think they were primarily from the Files tab and maybe a bit slow at times from the console. The databases seemed fine.

OK, that would make sense. The server that was running slow is also the one where the PythonAnywhere website is currently running. We bounced it earlier, so that should have improved matters.

Not sure why the consoles would also be slow, but perhaps there's a little too much load on one of them too -- will investigate.