
HTTPS certificate

I have tried to change the main domain only once (by changing web name on WEB control pannel of PythonAnywhere). My attempt fail so I rolled back to the original web name. Since than, I'm facing problem with https certificate and the following message are being presented at HTTPS certificate config option:

"Let's Encrypt has a rate limit of five cert requests per week for one domain and your domain is currently rate-limited."

Are there any other operation that can be considered "cert requests" besides this unique attempt to change web name? Does reloading web app also counts as "cert requests"?

Is there any way to solve this problem?

What other paid, easy-to-install alternatives are available to use on PythonAnywhere? Any suggestions from someone who has already tried an alternative?

I kind of have the same problem. I just deployed a website with costume domain, and everything is working just fine, except when I try to obtain an https certificate, I get the same error.

" Let's Encrypt has a rate limit of five cert requests per week for one domain and your domain is currently rate-limited. "

I'm very new to web development and these stuff, so I would really appreciate some help.

The weirdest part of this is that the Let's Encrypt page explicitly says:

"The main limit is Certificates per Registered Domain (50 per week). " (

I tried to use an SSL created with, but this certificate does not work.


"Private key: Invalid private key. Certificate: Invalid certificate."


Mismatch between certificate Common Name ( and webapp (

This is very strange, because zerossl ensure certificate for both Name (with or without "www")...

What did your do before you got that error?

About zerossl cert you need to ask zerossl.

Same error. No Custom certificate. Error appears when trying to select '"Auto-renewed Let's Encrypt certificate"

Error -

Let's Encrypt has a rate limit of five cert requests per week for one domain and your domain is currently rate-limited.

Dear Filip. I just changed the previous name of the web app from "" to "".

Even if a roll back to "" the error persists.

Do you think how long it takes to the Let's Encrypt reset the amount of cert requests?

Is there any other thing that I can do? Thank you.

this must be a because of bug on PythonAnywhere. My website has been down as well

Mr. Dimanjan, since when this is happening to your site? I'm thinking this problem can be related to change in year (from 2022 to 2023). The beggining of this problem (for me) was in the transition from Dec 31 to Jan 01...

I don't know. If Python Anywhere could provide the keys and certificates we could try to reset ourselves...

@franciscatto I just noticed it today when trying to move to a new domain name. I am not aware if this has been the case since jan 1, but looking at the above discussion, it sure does look like a problem that started for many accounts on Jan 1.

@franciscatto have you emailed support?

Yes, I did send. I'm still waiting for an answer. They are usually very attentive and fast. Mr. Filip is already aware of what happened because he participated in one of the answers above. Every time I needed him he was very helpful.

I do think it was a problem in the transition from 2022 to 2023. We'll see...

We had some trouble with our interaction with Let's Encrypt. We've fixed it now and it is working again.