
Running Webapp manually for dev and testing

I understand how to set up a webapp and also to create and use virtualenv. I understand that the webapp is automagically running in the background and always available. My scenario is that I wish to make changes and make sure there are no errors my running and the command line and viewing the message. I wish to run the webapp manually and preferably on a different port. How can this be accomplished?

Also, I assume that the webapp is not auto reload? if I make changes, I believe I must do a reload of the webapp?

The only way to run a website on PythonAnywhere is through setting it up on the "Web" page -- after all, in order to access any site running on PythonAnywhere, you need to connect to it over the Internet, so it will always be publicly-accessible.

For dev stuff, I'd suggest either running it on your own machine, or alternatively setting up a second website on the "Web" page inside PythonAnywhere. If your main live site is, you could set up the other one on, or something similar. And you can prevent other people from accessing it using password protection -- there's an option to set that up at the bottom of the "Web" page.

Regarding reloading -- yes, you do need to do that manually from the "Web" page when you make changes.