
pipenv install stuck

I basically wanted to test pythonanywhere with a very small flask site that i set up with pipenv and a pipfile. Locally that takes about 15 seconds and 160MB in packages for the venv. Here in the bash im now well into the tarpit and am using about 360 MB with no end in sight after using pipenv install. I have no idea whats going on.

Pipfile: [[source]] url = "" verify_ssl = true name = "pypi"

[packages] autopep8 = "==1.6.0" certifi = "==2021.10.8" charset-normalizer = "==2.0.7" click = "==8.0.3" et-xmlfile = "==1.1.0" flask = "==2.0.2" idna = "==3.3" itsdangerous = "==2.0.1" jinja2 = "==3.0.2" markupsafe = "==2.0.1" numpy = "==1.21.3" openai = "==0.19.0" openpyxl = "==3.0.9" pandas = "==1.3.4" pandas-stubs = "==" pycodestyle = "==2.8.0" python-dateutil = "==2.8.2" python-dotenv = "==0.19.2" pytz = "==2021.3" requests = "==2.26.0" six = "==1.16.0" toml = "==0.10.2" tqdm = "==4.62.3" urllib3 = "==1.26.7" werkzeug = "==2.0.2"


[requires] python_version = "3.8"

If you're in the tarpit, then things take longer and the space used during an install can be greater than the space that is used once the install is done.

I know that, but it shouldnt take that long in the first place. To make that clear: the "pipenv install" was basically the first command I ever executed and it consumed all resources available in the test subscription. That's laughable. Even with a paid subscription that would mean I couldnt test two deploys in a day... or even one at this rate.