
Something went wrong importing ffmpeg and pillow

Hi, I want to use ffmpeg and pillow in my script. Both should be installed properly

20:34 ~/mysite $ pip list | grep Pillow
Pillow                           9.0.1
20:34 ~/mysite $ pip list | grep ffmpeg
ffmpeg-python                    0.2.0

Importing the modules like:

import ffmpeg as ff


from ffmpeg import input

I get "Something went wrong"

Make sure that you have installed the modules into the same version of Python/virtualenv that you are using for your web app:

Thank you. That was it. I actually selected python 3.8 when setting up the web application but realised under web -> code that python was set to 3.10. All packages were installed for python 3.8 but the application was run with python 3.10.

Great, glad we could help!