
My web app shows the 'coming soon' site.

Hello, I have the app there. I purchased a domain and assigned a CNAME to it. The problem is that the site is only displayed through a mobile device, when I want to open it on a PC, it shows a site that says Coming Soon.

Do you have any idea why the page appears on the phone but not on the PC?

Thank you for answer.

Has the problem stopped happening now? I see that is working at the moment.

Now I see where the problem is. If I write, the page will be displayed, if i write only, it shows coming soon.

Is there any solution where it is not necessary to write https://?

I thought it would autofill or redirect automatically.

I have Auto-renewing Let's Encrypt certificate in my app and i have force HTTPS enabled, but it doesn't work.

That sounds like an issue with your browser. Try to clear cache and cookies.

Yeah, it works now, thank you very much.

Great, glad to hear you got it working!