
Code is not breaking when I run a scheduled task

I have a reoccurring issue where when I run my scheduled task my python code keep grabbing twice as many records as it should. I did a print error log to see what was going on and it says it's breaking but still ends up populating twice as many as it should. When I just run it regularly it works fine and behaves as it is supposed to. I tried changing this: cd /home/samwins/zoho/analytics/witness_data/; python3.8 but this jsut made it grab even more records than running it straight up. Why is this happening

Hotspot Status: online
DB Count:  420
Code Breaking
Code Finished
Grabbed Hotspot Statuses from API

As you can see it should have stopped at 420 records, but instead is stopping at 700 something records.

counter = counter - 9
print('Total Hotspots Deployed: ', counter)

db_count = -1
for (record_id, status, address, product_category) in hotspot_records:
    if status == "Online" or status == "Offline":
        yo = ""
        if 'Radio' in product_category:
            db_count = db_count + 1
            headers = {'User-Agent': 'a1projects/1.0'}
            url = "" + address
            response = request_function(url, headers)
            response = response.json()
            data = response['data']
            status = data['status']['online']
            print(f"Hotspot Status: {status}")
            status = status.capitalize()
            print("DB Count: ", db_count)
            # print("Counter: ", counter)
            if db_count == counter:
                print('Code Breaking')
            args = (, record_id, address, status)
            run_query(insert_hotspot_record, args)
print('Code Finished')

[edit by admin: formatting]

I think you'd need to log more values to find out exactly why that's happening; the value of counter at the start of the loop, and db_count each time you go round the loop (not inside the if statement) might be valuable. Once you've done that, if the problem still isn't clear, it would be useful to see the full log output -- I checked the task logs available to us as admins, but couldn't see the debugging info there.