
clone individual files from github to pythonanywhere

I don't want to clone my entire .git directory from github to pythonanywhere. I want to clone individual files. How do I do that? Thanks!

short answer: that's not how git repos work... don't do that...

long answer: setup a submodule, setup a separate branch... etc. but if you have never done a merge before, or have never heard of a git submodule, you probably should not attempt to do this before you get familiar with git...

ps: you know you can just upload files under the files tab right? Maybe just zip all the individual files you want and upload it and then unzip them?

I did not know that. That is definitely a better option. Thanks for pointing it out to me. Once I upload a file, how do I move it to the directory I want it to be in? I know how to do it on bash but is there a way to do it in Files tab?

How do I copy paste in Bash? I am on Mac and Command C Command V doesn't work for me. Thanks!

In the files tab, tou can first navigate to the folder before uploading.

For copy/paste, you should be able to just use mouse selection + apple-c to copy, and apple-v to paste (for just normal commandline). I'm assuming you mean you want to copy and paste file names etc right?

Also you know that the file tab and the bash console is inter-related so what you move in the bash console, you also move in the files tab right?

Thanks. It's good to know I can navigate to the folder before uploading.

I meant copy paste in the vi editor in bash, if I do mouse selection + apple-c to copy, and apple-v to paste it doesn't work.

So mouse selection + apple-c to copy should still work.

To paste, for example you'd have to be in insert mode and then apple-v should work. (probably also need to set ":set paste" to avoid braces/quotes autocomplete etc)

Thanks. I wasn't in insert mode :-). This will make my life easier.