
Suspend scheduled task

Is it possible to suspend/pause scheduled tasks, and to clear the log files for them?

Seems I can only delete mine, which means I have to keep recreating them if I want to pause them.

I would like to be able to have a task that runs at certain times/dates ideally. can this be done?

Hi richyvk,

The logs are rotated around once a week, so if you pause them for more than that it should all be gone by then I think.

Unfortunately we do not offer a super easy way to pause them, but I can think of a couple hacky solutions.

Maybe you could just have that as part of your script? ie. for a permanent pause, just move the script to a new location and have a blank script in place. To say only run on Thursdays, you could say just get the script to check what day it is and then not run if it's not Thursday?

Super hacky, sorry...