
Do I have an upload limit?

I am uploading some videos and after about 8 videos the connection keeps closing. I tried about 5 - 6 times but I keep getting the "Secure Connection Failed" after a while. The videos are small, so I am not sure what the problem is.

Is my app getting too big?

Can someone please advise me.


Are you near your storage quota limit? You can find the current state on the "Files" tab...

I guess I am near enough. 85%. I used 1.7GB out of 2GB. I have two more videos I need to upload. One is 125MB the other one is 108MB. So, technically the should fit but I don't think the system will let me go that close to the limit.

So, I should get more disc space?

or store the videos somewhere else and just link to them?

I tried to add additional disk space to my account. My current plan is $9.50 per month but when I click on "Customize" to add 1GB, in the pop-up window it says "Price for this plan: $15.25 / month" before I even changed anything and there is a button "Switch to this plan".

This is a little bit confusing. Can you please advise?



We recently changed our minimums so that a paid account can't get less than 2 workers per webapp (that accounts for $4 of the difference) and we slightly increased the cost of some other things. Since you've been such a great customer for so long, we can manually bump up your quota and price, if you like. It will cost an extra $0.50 per GB. How many more would you like?

Wow, thank you! That's very kind of you. In that case, for $0.50 per GB, I would like to add 3GB. Will you do this manually for me, so I don't have to do anything? Or, please let me know what I should do.

I appreciate it very much.



No problem. You don't need to do anything. I have bumped your monthly payment up by $1.50 and your storage up by 3Gb.

Thanks very much Glenn, I really appreciate it.

Hi there, I just upgraded to 21GB storage to have enough space for users to upload videos. But, I just realized that the user can only upload 100MB through the app. Can someone please let me know how to solve this problem? Thanks.

As you have a paid account, I'd suggest using Filezilla (or, if you're more comfortable with command-line tools, rsync or scp). This help page has some details.