
Error While transcribing auto to text with Error code: 504-loadbalancer.

Hello All

I've been successfully creating a flask web app that can transcribe auto to text for free. here you can check my website

but when I try to transcribe audio to text, I got error code 504-loadbalancer. anybody can help me? please! if you want to contact me, please email me here

here the images

from postman : postman

from error log: error server log

my :

We have a help page on how to work out what the issue is here:

Hi @glenn I have successfully create flask web

You can check here

but your answer it's not solving my problem.

Have you checked your web app's error log? I see your web app is loading now, though, does it mean you were able to fix the problem?

Hello @pafk

Thanks to response

Yeah my web is running well on the index route

But in the route upload POST

it's broken from the server, returning 504-loadbalancer

I try to convert audio to text with openai-whisper library

I want to know what is the problem?

Ram or CPU resource is to small or what?

I'm using this service not free, please help me

My code is so clear, you can also test the route With postman Method post Body file = choose audio file with wav format

Please check your web app's error log -- that's usually the best place to start debugging. You can also add more logging to establish if your code behaves exactly in a way that you expect it to.