
SSH Access

Hello, i am trying to access mysql database from outside pythonanywhere and i hahve tried setting up the SSH on my bash. However, when i get prompted for password and i input the password to mysql account, i get a permission denied error. What should i do?

I'm having the same issue when running the command


I've verified the password is correct but I get "Permission denied, please try again."

From the connection logs on our server, it looks like there were some cases where you were using the correct password and other where you were not.

I have tried connecting from two separate devices (windows and mac), using the same command and inputting the same password and it is failing every time on the windows machine.

I am also having this problem.

edit: This is now working for me.

You had multiple failed password attempts in a short time, so your IP was blocked for an hour. We do that to prevent brute-forcing passwords over SSH.

Thank you, I realized I was using the wrong password so I changed it and it’s working now.

Glad to hear that you made it work!