
Need Help with My Django Website Security

Hi there, i currently have a website with deployed here made with django. I have followed this tutorial with regards to a security checklist i can follow when deploying a django site:

and i have made a scan on mozilla observatory

But it still seems to show F as a result after the scan and the changes i have made in the settings does not seem to be working. Please assist me as i am pretty new to this

Let us know what some of the issues are and we'll try to help.

Well not particular issues persay, more of how do i secure my django website further and fulfill the criterias of

I have tried adding in the django recommended security settings but it still shows that its not implemeneted after scanning my website in the observatory. Could there be other ways i could enable these settings in pythonanywhere?

Make sure you reload your web app from your web app configuration page after you've made code changes.