
Webpage stop to work

Hi, My webpage from 17Feb2023 has stopped to work, which it has been running for almost 3 months, without any code change. I also have a Always-on tasks batch job to get data. I check the data is fine and update correctly! I tried to reload the web app, but no error showed in error log.

Would you please help. Thanks.

When I hit your web app it looks like it works. What is not working for you?

Thanks for your prompt reply. When I hit "renko(Renko)" or any page, no data display.

There are lots of errors in your error log. Use those as a starting point for debugging.

Hi, I have read through all errors. The only app error is line 728 related to one field which I have this error for a long time. The others are related to flask, dash and python 3.7 package in my virtualenvs.

Do I need to debug by myself? If so, please you let me know if I need to reinstall all software again in virtualenvs?


What is that error that you are talking about?

Hi, I receive the OSError: write error

That is a message that is logged when a client disconnects before the server has sent the entire response. It can happen if a view takes a long time to render and the user closes the browser tab, or it can happen if you have code accessing your site and the timeout set in the client code is too short.