
How do I get root access in bash ???

How do I get root access in bash ???

You can't. What do you need it for?

Wanted to do a test with the script ssh plus

more pq can not ?? i came to this pataflorma thinking q would be able to do that

You would not be able to use ssh on a free account.

You probably need a vps on a different platform if you want to play with root access.

Hello, I would like to install NordVPN on my root:

I've tried but I'm getting the following error: "Error: run this script as root"

Is this possible? Thanks and regards.

No, you don't have root access on PythonAnywhere.

Hi again, I know I don't have access but I was hoping that perhaps you could install NORDVPN on my account. This is one of the biggest VPN providers and they are not longer supporting Proxies, only this implementation. Regards

We do not install packages on the fly, set of packages is fixed for a system image. We're not planning to install this package though.

Hello PythonAnywhere staff, absence of root access makes full sense. However absence of openvpn install + absence of major vpn specific install would mean that except going the proxy route, one can not use pythonanywhere for accessing any geolocation restricted website outside of the base server location, so US for most cases. Am I missing something?

@ambext -- you're making a point! We'd rather not install specific vpns but we will consider adding OpenVPN to the next system image.

thanks pafk. Any indicative ETA, even an order of magnitude would help?

thanks again,


No, we do not have an ETA.

Greetings. I simply want to ping or traceroute to just two hosts, using host binaries or native Python code (idc which), however I see that appears to be restricted no matter which method is used since there is no sudo access and both commands exit with 'not permitted' error. Is there a supported / allowed method of getting ping and traceroute results?

@neteng404 -- you can't have sudo privileges on PA, but the issue is rather that you're on a free account which has limited internet access; ping and traceroute should work on a paid account.

@pafk OK thank you for the info. So if I subscribe to a paid plan, such as the one for $5 per month, the ping/traceroute restrictions will no longer be in effect?

As a paid subscriber, would I also be allowed from within Python to create tcp/udp sockets that normally require elevated host privileges (if not by some sort of PA custom / limited sudo, then perhaps by a setuid or some other crafty wizard magic)?

I will look into the non-free options... Although, @ $5 a month it is still very nearly free, so that seems to be a good deal, and will be useful for me if indeed paid accounts are granted access to "networky things".

Yes, on a paid account ping and traceroute should work fine. tcp/udp server would not work though. You can experiment with a paid plan and ask for a refund within 30 days if you're not satisfied.

Any update concerning OpenVPN? It is quite some time ago since you wrote you would consider adding this one to the next system image. Thanks

It's on our list for the next system image which we're currenlty working on.

So, any way to install packages? I am looking for npm.

You can use nvm:

is openvpn available?

No, it is not.

Hi, My web apps uses third party executables which are optimized for routine bioinformatics jobs. I noticed that you already had mafft installed, which is one of them. Another I use often is seqkit which isn't installed. I was trying to see whether I could install it myself, but I don't think it's possible as there's no distribution for pip (only sudo or conda).

Just wondering if it's possible to install this myself, or have you do so? Of course will happily get a paid account if this can be done.

Since it's a staticaly linked Go program, you should just be able to download the 64 bit linux binary and use that directly.

i need to install 'ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server' in root to get data from sql server

If there is specific package that we could include in the next system image, let us know.