
Images not displaying

Images are no longer showing on my site. It was working properly for a couple of days, but it just stopped displaying images. Some are from static folder and others from a database. Can you assist?

We have a help page to help you to debug static files issues here:

Thank you. It helped with static files only. It still doesn't load what is in the sqlite3 database. Is there any sort of configuration I need to make on my database?

Hey friend, I'm having a problem similar to yours, when DEBUG = False, it doesn't load the images from the database. How can I resolve this?

You need to serve your static files. We have a help page to help you to debug static files issues here:

Thank you for the informations. I was able to solve my problem by setting the path to the images folder where they are saved after uploading.

Static files:


Glad to hear that!