
Whitelist Suggestion: LinkedIn

We are working on getting a research study set up. Part of the protocol is asking for permission to access some data using the LinkedIn API. I'm running into the following error:

HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /uas/oauth2/accessToken?grant_type=authorization_code&code=&redirect_uri=http://<user><code>&client_secret=<code> (Caused by ProxyError('Cannot connect to proxy.', error('Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden',)))

Looking through the forums it looks like this might be a whitelist issue? ( If it makes any difference, right now we are on a free account to test things and make sure we can get everything working. If we can get this kink ironed out we plan on moving up to a pay to play account.


Hi cjohns,

I just checked and we already have whitelisted (but not the whole You can see all our whitelisted sites here. Would you be able to modify your linkedin api call so that it accesses the actual api? If parts of the linkedin api does require calls to, point us to a link/reference and we can add that to the whitelist for you.

Alternatively you could try to upgrade your account to a paying account, in which case you would get unrestricted internet access. Unfortunately we are not able to allow unpaid accounts unrestricted access because it has been abused and used for malicious intents in the past.


Hi Conrad,

I think that should do the trick but if for some reason it doesn't I'll post back and you can remove it.


Hi Conrad,

Sorry, had you already whitelisted the .com or is that in the works? I'm still receiving the error and I want to make sure I'm debugging the right thing.



We already have whitelisted because that's where the API for linkedin is. We have no plans to whitelist

Hey guys,

I upgraded my account to see if that made a difference and it's still a no go. If you look at the authentication documentation in order to hook into the linkedin API you must first ask for access which uses

Step 3. Get an access token Access token is unique to a user and an API Key. You need access tokens in order to make API calls to LinkedIn on behalf of the user who authorized your application. The first step is asking the user to grant access with the LinkedIn authorization dialog.

a. Generate Authorization Code by redirecting user to LinkedIn's authorization dialog &client_id=YOUR_API_KEY &scope=SCOPE &state=STATE &redirect_uri=YOUR_REDIRECT_URI

I'm unable to redirect to the dialog because of the issue above or at least that what I think the issue is. If we can iron out the issue great, if it's not going to be possible do to technical constraints that's fine, I just need to know so I can look for another solution.


After you upgraded, did you start a new console or reload your web app?

Hi Glenn,

I just reloaded the website in on the dashboard and we appear to be good to go. Thanks for the suggestions and the help!


Guys, I am new on Python, so I am not a great source of information, but I know a particularity about Linkedin's API: you can shot ONLY ONE REQUEST A DAY, for each autorized account. So, after first request, you have to wait 24 hours to request again.

Best regards, Miro.

Hi, I'm having the same issue, where the host in my error is ''. Is it possible to get whitelisted?

Thanks in advance!

Cool. I've added that to the whitelist.

Hi guys, i am having the same issue with: host='', port=443. Is it possible to add '' to the whitelist?

Thanks in advance. Have a nice day.

Sure! That's been added.

Hi guys, I am facing issue with - ProxyError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url. (Caused by ProxyError('Cannot connect to proxy.', error('Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden',))). Is it possible to add '' to whitelist? Thanks.

Almost certainly -- I'm guessing that it's part of IBM's Watson system? What we need is a link to the API docs saying what the domains that it uses are -- I'm guessing there might be gateway-b and so on as well, so we should get all of them.

Yes, its a part of IBM's watson system. I am calling their visual recognition api. They have mentioned API endpoint as

You can find the API docs on the following links:

Hi there, I've added gateway-a now. Let us know if it works OK?

Hello, one more Api: Add to white list, please

Thank you!

Ok, have added that now, let us know if it works ok.

Hi Harry,

Yes, its working now.

Thank you.

Hi there, for a research study I try to set up a web crawler to scrap prices on e-commerce sites. Therefore I want to access 5 products on 10 different e-commerce sites. While trying to access the first site I run into the following error message

requests.exceptions.ProxyError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /de/s1/product/xtorm-xb102-free-15000mah-powerbank-2751059 (Caused by ProxyError('Cannot connect to proxy.', error('Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden',)))

I am curious whether the issue can be solved with white listing the page(s), upgrading to a hacker account or whether the reason is based on the site blocking amazon aws ips? The e-commerce sites are the following:,,,,,,,, Thank you in advance for your help.

ps: I am new to coding. And for testing I am using a free account with the intention to move up to a hacker account.

external internet access for free accounts is restricted to a whitelist. the 403 forbidden message is what results when trying to access something outside of the whitelist. (upgrading will help- any new consoles you start won't have to go through the proxy)

Guys, could you please add to Whilelist? Thanks!

No problem. I've added that to the whitelist.

Hello, could you please add to your Whitelist? Many thanks!

I can't visit that site. Where are the API docs?

Kakao is the most famous messaging service in Korea. You can find the API docs as below.

I've been testing some kakao api. Could you add & to your Whitelist.

Many thanks!

okay- we've added them to the whitelist for you!

That's nice. I appreciate you help!!!

Add to white list please!

Add to white list please!

Is there an official API? Can you send me a link to the documentation if so? please :)

link to documentation and list of domains to whitelist please?

domain - documentation -

Thank you :)

okay- we have whitelisted that for you!

Hey PythonAnywhere,

I'm receiving the same error with my code in my virtualenv. I'm attempting to connect to Can you whitelist this for me? I will probably upgrade to a paying account once we get it working.

Thanks! Jon

Is there an official public API for that page? If so, could you give us a link for the documentation?

It just uses the standard Rally API -

that link just takes me to a login page? if you're thinking of upgrading anyway, you could always just do that. if you cancel within 30 days we're happy to refund you, no questions asked...

The API docs are behind a Rally login. I don't understand exactly WHY they chose to do that, but you need to cache a Rally/CA Agile user/password and then go to the link I posted.

i don't really have time to sign up for random api accounts i'm afraid! you could send me a screenshot i suppose?

During handling of the above exception (Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden), another exception occurred: add please

can do! can you send us a link to the api documentation?

more information re; requesting whitelist additions is available here, everyone:

hello guys, i'm getting the following error raise ProxyError(e, request=request) requests.exceptions.ProxyError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /Api/GetBalance (Caused by ProxyError( 'Cannot connect to proxy.', error('Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden',))) could you please add to whitelist ??

Where are the API docs?

Hello! i'm getting the following error: ConnectionError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /api/?action=get_events&from=2018-03-06&to=2018-03-06&country_id=163&APIkey=1e3b998837d086306890f55ec4e55fa5a9616a40797ebe7285804047a52d6200 (Caused by ProxyError('Cannot connect to proxy.', OSError('Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden',)))

could you please add to whitelist? api docs -

No problem. I've added that to the whitelist.

Can you add and ?? Love the service and Thank you.

Can you provide the link to the documentation and tell us where it states in the documentation that or are api endpoints?

Can you please add to the whitelist. Thanks in advance. Documentation links

Okay- we have added to the whitelist for you!

requests.exceptions.ProxyError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: / (Caused by ProxyError('Cannot connect to proxy.', error('Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden',))) any solution?

Not for That is not on our whitelist and won't be. We only allow access to public APIs for free accounts. You will have to upgrade for anything else.

Hi can you please add Amazon's Market place web service API to the whitelisted sites ?

this is the api URL.

You can see the api documentation here ....

This is the error which I am getting

Exception : HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /?&ReportType=_GET_XML_ALL_ORDERS_DATA_BY_ORDER_DATE_&SignatureMethod=HmacSHA256&SignatureVersion=2&StartDate=2018-05-10T03%3A16%3A27.052385&Timestamp=2018-06-09T03%3A16%3A27Z&Version=2009-01-01&Signature=tEYdiV1bwux0K9rpy5yaIZqMOIqc%2Bn7cvEwrO1uBczY%3D (Caused by ProxyError('Cannot connect to proxy.', OSError('Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden',)))

Ok. I have added that to the whitelist.

When I run my python program which queries from amazon mws api , it works in Bash Console. But when I set the same python file in the task it gives me "Connection forbidden 403 error " . How to fix it ?

HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /?&ReportType=_GET_XML_ALL_ORDERS_DATA_BY_ORDER_DATE_&SignatureMethod=HmacSHA256&SignatureVersion=2&StartDate=2018-05-10T00%3A02%3A23.485402&Timestamp=2018-06-09T00%3A02%3A23Z&Version=2009-01-01&Signature=40%2BJ4%2BKYktcDrhmR2YnIvxrqIN/QDBOtvMs6jD97zQ4%3D (Caused by ProxyError('Cannot connect to proxy.', OSError('Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden',

Are you sure that's not an error from before I added the site to the whitelist?

Yes I'm sure , before you whitelisted the site , it was showing the error in both bash console and in tasks. After you added it to whitelist , only bash console doesn't show error . Task still shows the above mentioned error . I have removed and readded the task . will let u know if same error occurs

Why is this error happeneing ? How to fix this ? It's an api from amazon

Exception : HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /?AWSAccessKeyId=mykey&Action=RequestReport&EndDate=2018-06-30T06%3A32%3A17.573910&MWSAuthToken=mytoken&MarketplaceIdList.Id.1=A21TJRUUN4KGV&Merchant=A35G3R8LMVKV8X&ReportType=_GET_XML_ALL_ORDERS_DATA_BY_ORDER_DATE_&SignatureMethod=HmacSHA256&SignatureVersion=2&StartDate=2018-05-31T06%3A32%3A17.573910&Timestamp=2018-06-30T06%3A32%3A18&Version=2009-01-01&Signature=X5Sbm2AHfDnUZLOtAPSIBofwHbjBXSW4TusU16cMAyc%3D (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.VerifiedHTTPSConnection object at 0x7f147938e860>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 111] Connection refused',))

Make sure that you're connecting through the proxy. See for the proxy details.

Thanks . I solved this by giving "proxies" argument to the requests.request method.

request.request(url , proxies = {'http': 'http://proxy.server:3128', 'https': 'https://proxy.server:3128'} )

Hello, I receive an error Caused by Proxy Error('Cannot connect to proxy.', OS Err('Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden') Please add to api white list at

Where is the documentation for the API?

whatsapp unofficial

Then it's not a candidate for inclusion in the whitelist.

Hello, I receive an error Caused by Proxy Error('Cannot connect to proxy.', OS Err('Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden') Please add to api white list at

Can you show us the official API documentation stating which endpoints are part of the API?

The API is described here


That is not valid API documentation. It is created by a different party and the documentation is on a non-affiliated site.

Hello, could you please add the greek site You can find the documentation here
Thank you

Ok. I've added that to the whitelist.

Nice to hear you, but I still get <urlopen error Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden> also I checked and can't find Thank you for your time

The whitelist on that page is only updated when we do a larger system update, so that's why it's not there yet. It looks like Glenn whitelisted, which is the site described in the developer docs you linked to -- are you connecting to a different site?

Sorry didn't know the list is updated that way. I try to connect both, and

Could you give an example of the full traceback you get when you access

I get 500 status, some django related errors and main part when I call the site: Exception Value: <urlopen error Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden> My request code is open here

Can you simplify that code to give us a minimal repro? ie. I would want you to give us something like this:

import requests
requests.get('this particular url')

and tell us that the response is a 403 coming from us (not on the api server giving you a 403).

Yes, I open a console and type:

In [1]: import urllib2
In [2]: req = urllib2.Request('')
In [3]: page = urllib2.urlopen(req).read()

after the last command I get this traceback (visit the link, too long to post here)

That's not, which is where their api is. We only whitelist the api urls.

Okey. I can accept that. Thank you for your patience.

add pliz to white sheet

Is it and official public API? If so, could you send us a link to the API documentation?

Hello, add to the white list please these two sites and

Do those sites have official public APIs? If so, could you send us a link to the API documentation?

Unfortunately, these sites do not have APIs.

Unfortunately we can only whitelist official public APIs.

Please add to white lists this web

requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /use/arturdm/rod/getrod/2.0.0?wrapAPIKey=wiBvjcQHji5eX6pq4K0jQnPEsxaEYvpR (Caused by Proxy Error('Cannot connect to proxy.', OSError('Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden',)))

Send us a link to the API documentation that shows what the API endpoint is and we'll consider it for the whitelist.

Can you add to the whitelist

Show us a link to the API documentation that shows what the API endpoint is and we'll consider it for the whitelist.

Hello, could you please add to your Whitelist? Many thanks!

No problem. I've added that to the whitelist.

Hello, could you please add this site in your whitelist?

ProxyError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443);


hi- i don't see any references to on the documentation that you provided

I want to parse information from, but I cant solve this problem:

requests.exceptions.ProxyError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: (Caused by ProxyError('Cannot connect to proxy.', OSError('Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden')))

I also cant find api of this site( What can I do?

If there is no API documentation then we cannot add the site to the whitelist.

Can I do this only if upgrade my account?

if there is no api documentation, then the only way to access the site would be by upgrading, yes.

Hello there, can you add to Whilelist please? Thank you!


Show us a link to the API documentation that shows what the API endpoint is and we'll consider it for the whitelist.

that is not api documentation. There needs to be documentation saying that is ok with someone accessing them programmatically, and that you can exactly access these endpoints to get these results.

Mayby that one? It's the only documentation I've found on that site.

that is just it's terms and conditions. If there isn't an explicit api endpoint, then we cannot add it to the whitelist and you will have to upgrade if you want to access it.

Hi guys, I am facing issue with - ProxyError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url. (Caused by ProxyError('Cannot connect to proxy.', error('Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden',))). Please add '' to whitelist. Thanks.

Is that a public API? If so, could you give us a link to the API documentation.

Is it possible to add kinopoisk to the whitelist?

show us official api documentation from and we will consider adding it to the whitelist.

URL is added in the Whitelist but the same error I am getting -> (Caused by ProxyError('Cannot connect to proxy.', OSError('Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden',))). What could be the resolution for this?

Your client code is not using the proxy. Check the documentation for your client to see how to configure it to use a proxy. The proxy details you need are here:

Hello, can you please add '' to whitelist?

Those docs indicate that is where the REST API is located, so I have whitelisted that. If you send a link to a specific page that indicates a different URL, then we'll consider that, too.

Hello, one more Api: Add to white list, please! Documentation: Thank you!

Is there any documentation on, or some link from there to the docs page you providec? Documentation on third-party sites might not be official, and we can only whitelist official APIs.

Hello, one more Api: Add to white list, please! Documentation: Thank you!

I can't see anything immediately in those docs that mentions -- could you give a link to a page there that does?

I'm sorry, this is just one of the nodes of this crypto, so it is unlikely that somewhere there is a specific link in the documentation for this node.

So, maybe you can add this one It is second link from the documentation.

@Shinwa I've whitelisted If there's something in their API docs that says, for example, that you can access hosts with names of the form testnode<number> or something like that, send us a link and we can whitelist those.

Hello, faced a problem! requests.exceptions.ProxyError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /partner/bill/v1/bills/48785770 8550 (Caused by ProxyError('Cannot connect to proxy.', OSError('Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden')))

Here's the site Here's the API What to do?

Thanks for the details! We've whitelisted, so your code should work now.

Hello, i have a problem with request to HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /api/now/table/incident? (Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden) Could you add it to whilelist?
Here is a description of API!/rest_api_doc?v=madrid&id=r_TableAPI-GET

It looks like servicenow uses a different domain for each of their users. That means we either have to whitelist every user of servicenow or whitelist each user individually. Neither of those works for the whitelist, so I'm afraid we can't whitelist it.

Ok, i understand


Can you add to whitelist please? Famous russian weather site

sure, can you provide the api documentation?

Can I get on whitelist?

sure, can you provide the api documentation?

Could you add this public API to the whitelist? API Documentation:

It seems the relevant endpoints and I have whitelisted those.

Could you add the public API to the whitelist? Here is the API Documentation:- Thanks

No problem. I have added that to the whitelist.

hi, would you please add to list? this is the documentation

Sure, we have added that for you. Thanks!

Please, add to the whitelist

Does that site have an official public API? If so, could you send us a link to the API documentation?

If this site has no api, you can't add it?

That is correct.

hi can you add to the whitelist

Send us a link to the API documentation and we'll consider it for the whitelist.

Hello, add "" to white list, please

Thank you!

Send us a link to the API documentation and we'll consider it for the whitelist.

would you please add "" to whitelist? this is a link to the documentation ""

okay, we have added to the whitelist for you!

Hello, please, add "" to white list. Thank you in advance!

please, add "" to white list. Thanks!

Send us a link to the API documentation and we'll consider it for the whitelist.

Hey ^^ It would be really nice if you could add following to the whitelist:;;;; You can also find all of them listed here: Thank you for helping me out (^▽^)

Docs are not public and open. We do not whitelist APIs where access to docs require login.

mhh Okay. But still Thank you very much ( *︾▽︾)

would you please add "" to whitelist? this is a link to the documentation ""

When I visit it just hangs on a "loading" message.

That said, you have a paid account, so you can access any site on the Internet that will allow incoming connections from our servers -- you don't need sites to be whitelisted in order to use them.

would you please add "" to whitelist?

@hosyaeuw It's done for you

Hello! Would you add sites to the whitelist and , please? Thanks! is already on the whitelist. For the other one, send us a link to the API documentation and we'll consider it for the whitelist.

Hello! Would you add sites to the whitelist please?

No problem. I have added that to the whitelist.

Hi, can you add the

We can only whitelist official public APIs. If that site has one, please post a link to the API documentation.

Hi, can you add the , please? Thanks!

We can only whitelist official public APIs. If that site has one, please post a link to the API documentation.

would you please add '' to the whitelist?

We can only whitelist official public APIs. If that site has one, please post a link to the API documentation.

I think by API documentation you mean this '' so please add it to whitelist . Thanks.

@amirnaziri It's done for you

Hi. Could you please add '' to the whitelist?

@james0323 We can only whitelist official public APIs. If that site has one, please post a link to the API documentation.

'' this is the documentation to perform online payments. Add it to the whitelist, please

@james0323 could you link to the place in the docs where the endpoint is mentioned?

'' endpoint url '' for production '' for tests Could you add both?

Thanks! Those are both whitelisted now, and should be active within the next five minutes.


No problem!

Hello Team,

Can you please add to whitelist

We can only whitelist official public APIs. If that site has one, please post a link to the API documentation.

Hi, i'm having the same issues, can you guys whitelist this ?

The link for the official docs:

Sure, @fernandoM812, we've whitelisted it for you.

I want to parse the market, you can add this url ( /) to the white list ?

We whitelist only public open documented APIs

@erfanghasemi You posted links to general docs. We need specific domains you want us to whitelist and links to the place in the docs where that domains are mentioned.

The specific domains I want are the below list:


All these APIs are public.

@erfanghasemi I can't see links to the documentation containing those endpoints in this thread -- could you re-send them?




@erfanghasemi All right -- we've added the endpoints you requested to our whitelist.

Здравствуйте ! Просьба включить в белый список Этот сайт нам нужен для получения тле спутников, если все пойдет хорошо будем планировать переход на платную версию

API документация: Спасибо за понимание

I see that you posted on another forum thread about this, and have replied there.

Hello! Please, add this link to whitelist - Thank you :D

Send us a link to the API documentation and we'll consider it for the whitelist.

That's a library that uses the API, we need documentation for the API itself.

Hi there,

Can you please add "" to whitelist?

I'm using their public website (no api), To check the user if it avaliable or not. if the status code return 200 that means taken. if it's return 404 that means avaliable.


We whitelist only public APIs that provide official documentation.


Send us a link to the API documentation and we'll consider it for the whitelist.

Hello everyone, could you please add me to the whitelist? '' and '' Here is a link to the documentation for the official API:

@kaga Hi, If you would like the above domains to be considered for the whitelist , please send us links to the API documentation. We are unable to access the documentation on the links above. Please note we can only whitelist sites with an official public API.


Hello! Here are the links to the official API:

@kaga has been added to the whitelist. In regards to your request to whitelist the other domain, please note we need public documentation stating the hostname for the endpoint.

Host for requests: ""

@kaga ,, and have been added to the whitelist.


Can you add ?

@ykppon If you would like the above domain to be considered for the whitelist , please send us a link to the API documentation. Please note we can only whitelist sites with an official public API.

Can you please add "" to whitelist? i make jivosite widget for my pilot web app Official Docs:

and docs:


Hello @pezhamalama

I have added and and to the whitelist

Thanks @Kabbie and It's url which i get in personal account in jivo, and docs:


I have added to the whitelist.

Hello, can you add to whitelist?

Hi, Can you add these urls to the whitelist? these are eth L2 (optimism and arbitrum) endpoints

@farzadexeth If you would like the above endpoints to be considered for the whitelist , please send us a link to the API documentation which states the requested endpoints. Please note we can only whitelist sites with an official public API.

@vumnyi If you would like the above domain to be considered for the whitelist , please send us a link to the API documentation. Please note we can only whitelist sites with an official public API.

Hi there -- we have a new process for requesting additions to the allowlist -- see this help page