
How do I measure and monitor RAM usage?

In my Python Anywhere Django app, how can I see how much total RAM I'm using, and how much RAM a particular variable that loaded the model is using? I'm trying to use pre-trained transformer models which will probably use 1-2 GB of RAM. As of now, I only have one web app, but will likely soon get a second web app.

The memory limit is 3 GB per process. We do not have any single source of information about memory usage.

Thanks, can you define a "process"? Are you referring to a process as in the Linux processes one can see by running the ps command? If so, does a whole PythonAnywhere web app run on a single process?

Yes, we're using the normal meaning of process. A web app will run as multiple processes -- each "worker" that you have (as configured on the "Account" page) will be a separate one.