
ChatGPT Telegram BOT

Hello ,

I'm trying to run a telegram Chat GPT bot made in python , but I get an error "root - ERROR - Error communicating with OpenAI" i'm guessing it can't talk with the chatGPT server , and i'm not sure if it's something i can do or It's a limitation of the server . I read on this forum something about white listing new connections, is that a thing? Thank you !


Free accounts have restricted internet access, do you know which endpoint your code is trying to communicate with? You can check allowlisted domains here, and request an allowlist addition by using a form linked on this help page.

It's Whitelisted :D so it must be the restriction for my free account . But why does the Telegram bot work? how restricted is the free account?

If it's working on PythonAnywhere in one place and not another, then it's not a restriction applied by PythonAnywhere.

It has asynchronous functions that are forbidden in a free account

Asynchronous functions will not work in a web app. It doesn't matter if it's free or paid.