
custom Telegram poll for a channel where only the admin can see individual votes?

I am working on a quiz system for my students and would like to create a custom Telegram poll in a channel. I want to create a poll with a template, format, and functions similar to the built-in Telegram poll, but with some customizations.

My goal is to make the poll appear anonymous to the students (channel members), while only I (the admin) can see the individual votes. In other words, channel members should not be able to see each other's votes, creating the illusion of an anonymous poll.

Can you please provide guidance or suggestions on how to achieve this, either using a bot or any other method available? Any examples or resources would be greatly appreciated.

I know the Telegram API doesn't give it in the built-in channel survey, but a creative solution is a must.

I am using python, mac terminal.

It is important for it to be like the built-in Telegram poll, but it is important for members to feel anonymous and vote comfortably, and it is important for me to see who answered with private messages or stg else. . its not for group its for channel**

We can help with PythonAnywhere features, but for general questions like that you should look for help on more general forums.