
front end

Good morning everyone, I have inserted a program where I will have to interact with the front end through a text box, but when I start the program this does not generate any errors but the front end does not appear. Maybe it's not possible to use a front end? I thank

The libraries I use are these:

import flet as ft
from flet import Page, Text, Row, TextField, ElevatedButton, Checkbox, Column, Container, IconButton, Theme
import time
from time import sleep
import requests
import io
from io import open
import webbrowser
import pandas as pd
from pandas import ExcelWriter
from datetime import datetime
from multiprocessing import Process
import search_products
import publish

Is this the kind of program that would display a graphical user interface if you were to run it on your own machine? That won't work on PythonAnywhere; when you run code here, it runs on our servers, which don't have displays (and if they did, they'd be in the data center where the servers are located, so you would not be able to see them).

How can I run flet project in PythonAnyWhere ?

Note: flet is a new python module that represent flutter in python.

I believe you'll need to target the web browser with Flet.

Eg, view=ft.WEB_BROWSER)