
My Reddit bot code is acting weird (complete noob here)

I am not a coder at all...I'm just someone who wants to create a Reddit bot and is trying to make it happen.

I created a simple test bot to post "Hello world" in the /test sub, and it worked.

Then I created a new bot, using ChatGPT, that would post a comment in a given sub in response to comments with certain keywords. The code is at the end of this post (minus my credentials).

When I save and run the code, something flashes on the screen below (where I would normally see the output) and then disappears. I managed to snap a screen grab of the results, and it says:

^CTraceback (most recent call last):



Line 1. 1n <module>



line 30, in _pa_run

exec (code,

new variables)

File "/home/BotsDemandAction/", line 39, in «module>



Any suggestions? And please be gentle...again, I am not a coder but am learning. Thanks!


import praw

import time

Create a Reddit instance with your API credentials


Define the subreddits and keywords to monitor

subreddits = ['test']

keywords = ['I love you', 'you love me']

Monitor the subreddits indefinitely

while True:

for subreddit_name in subreddits:

subreddit = reddit.subreddit(subreddit_name)

for submission in

Check if the submission contains any of the keywords

if any(keyword.lower() in submission.title.lower() for keyword in keywords):

Get the highest-rated comment in the thread


top_comment = max(submission.comments, key=lambda comment: comment.score)

Check if the bot has already commented on this thread

already_commented = False

for comment in top_comment.replies:

if ==

already_commented = True


If the bot has not commented yet, post a reply

if not already_commented:

top_comment.reply('Hello my lovely!')

print('Replied to thread: ' + submission.title)

Wait for 10 seconds before checking again


We can help you with PythonAnyhwere services, but we are not able o debug your code. You may need to ask on more general forums.