
What are you using pythonanywhere for?

I have to confess that I've mostly just played with the console a bit. But since I lobbied to have forums, I felt that I should probably contribute an early post.

Well, here are a couple from us here at PythonAnywhere HQ:

  • Harry is using it to host the pages for his test-driven Django development tutorial
  • I'm using it to download share prices for backtesting trading algorithms: a scheduled task runs to pull the prices from Yahoo! Finance's CSV API, and then dumps them into my Dropbox to be picked up by my computers. I was also considering doing something similar to download tweets from the Twitter API.
  • We all use it here as a way of keeping ssh sessions open; just start a bash console, then ssh into a machine elsewhere that you need to maintain. Whenever you need to access that machine, just go to PythonAnywhere and use the appropriate console.
  • Console sharing can work really well for people who are doing remote pair programming, though you do need to keep a Skype session running at the same time; we've done some of that here too (though we're normally all in the same office)
  • And finally, of course, we use PythonAnywhere heavily as a development environment when we're working on PythonAnywhere itself!

I've been using it to run a twitter bot and my personal subsite to demo web applications to people. Just editing the file to point at a different application when I want to show something off.

I'm using it to run a django-cms website.

I'm using it to test some django ideas. Love it, btw

I am using it to learn Python :)

Are you following any tutorials? Learn Python the Hard Way got me started. Though it really helps to have a specific project to work on as well.

I've pointed a number of people to "Learn Python The Hard Way", both outside of work, and made it required reading for anyone wanting to learn python at work. Lately though, I've actually been liking "Hitchhikers guide to python" ( a lot. It's also free, it's sitting on github, and while it's very opinionated (e.g., it says urllib2 is the 2nd level of hell, though the pythonistas in us know it's more like 5th or 6th...) it's not only an intro into python, it's a good introduction to the whole culture, resources, etc. LPTHW is still the goto here at work, but outside of work I'm pointing people to HGTP a lot more, since I'm not going to be working with them and python all the time.

Oh, and I'm playing around with PAW for now. Ideas, so many ideas. But I'm just playing until it gets SSL and custom domain support. Also putting it through it's paces wherever and whenever I can, trying to gather ideas for the suggestions thread. Latest round has been trying to figure out why I can't use it on android... (editor issues)

By the way, for those just dabbling in WSGI, if you want to get your feet wet there's an absolutely AWESOME web based presentation that is incredibly and insanely helpful. The spec is quite good also, once you know the basics (Presentation has no flash, java, powerpoint, or any of that stuff. Just gorgeous HTML5 lovin')

This is what first got me interested in pure WSGI apps, and convinced me I didn't need a wrapper for simple stuff. Also showed me what this "middleware" thing was about, since that was confusing prior.

Thanks, dragonfyre13 -- useful stuff!

I use it to test pet projectd on my lunch break.

E.G: I coded a python regular expression tester using bottle. Online almost instantly:

Of course it's slow and this program is more usable in an intranet, but it's helpful and fun to code.

Good looking regex tester! Bookmarked, What's that quote:

"Some people, when confronted with a problem, think "I know, I'll use regular expressions." Now they have two problems."

Cool that someone likes it. It's was more an exercice to test the Bottle framework, and I was missing this regex tester from PHP:

I just improved the perf and fixed some links. There is now a link to the source code, since it's far more efficient to run it locally.

Thanks for python anywhere, it makes these quick projects a breeze to put online.

i'm being nerdy and am using it to crunch the collatz conjecture for all integers below 6trillion, exporting it to a graph that shows the merging descents without melting my laptop.

To scrape websites with a BeautifulSoup script.

@Mercutionario I visited your PythonAnyWhere page, and it appears your making a game of some sorts. It's password protected, so it just makes me more curious of what it is. Does it use BeautifulSoup somehow?

We should probably have a pinned thread where people can post their projects and get feedback / help...


Well, there is github for feedback :-)

But for help, why not.

(Arg. Before adding pinned post, better add post edition...)

Or maybe a wiki. I had to setup a bottle app. Thanks to wsgi it wasn't too hard, but I could write down a step by step procedure.

I am giving a python workshop at a local hackerspace and thought I try it whether we all could collaborate somehow using pythonanywhere.

maybe could work on a bash prompt with vim and running stuff with python, but of course some click & run environment like idle would be more comfortable.

Hi Thomas,

I know Harry has run Python Dojo sessions using Python Anywhere to share a console. If you are going to use it then make sure to let us know when. Then we can make sure we don't schedule any downtime during your presentation! We have a bit of downtime whenever we deploy a new version at the moment. Though we plan to eliminate that soon.


Hi Just trying out PA primarily because I wanted to try a hosted MoinMoin wiki.

I am learning python. Been trying puzzle/exercises at sites... for example I like PA because I can use on my Chromebook. Also I can take up were I was from different computers... like at work.

I am building a chinese language learning website with my team so people will not have to go to Chinese universities to learn chinese (most of them suck really bad and it takes ages to learn). Our goal is to provide free (I am a political pirate so I believe material should be free to everyone and then we find other methods to earn the money) material to everyone like Udacity or Coursera and then provide teachers (where we make money) that can sit and practice one on one with the student.

The idea came from me and my friends sitting here in China talking about how it really sucked at Chinese universities and the problems are huge. For example in a day we sit with the teacher for 4 hours, but the practice of actually using chinese will be less than 2 to 3 minutes. Also the format is stupid because it forces people to move before they master a concept. So we sat down with a guy who learnt Chinese in less than a year by himself and now teaches Chinese in China to foreigners the way he learnt it. We call it Love Pythonanywhere! Cheers

Hope it will work great here until we grow too big - if we ever do ;)

I've made a blackjack game with automated dealer and up to five players. Is it possible for multiple others to type in Y or N and actually play a game side-by-side against the dealer?

I teach graduate classes in big data, software engineering, advanced database systems, and testing methodologies. We use PythonAnywhere as common ground for all the students in the classes.

@melotee -- that sounds like it might be best done as a web app?

@greg -- let us know if you're interested in checking out the education features we're working on :-)

Thanks Giles – I have been doing battle with Django, refactoring my blackjack code and trying to get my head around multiple users, session id's and perhaps the use of iframes??? As you can tell I'm out of my depth, but I'm learning a lot.

My previous comment was supposed to reference the Console sharing feature of this website in particular. Basically, I wonder if it's possible to simultaneously interact with the blackjack game program by sharing the console.

Ah, right, I see! Maybe you could do something with console sharing if the owner of the console invited all of the other players to share the console (using the button at the top right). But then they'd all see the same thing, which I imagine would be a problem in a game of blackjack ;-)

I am building a price comparison engine. I have just started, will get back when I have made some progress.

We'll be using it for a cloud version of one of our structural engineering applications - hope to make it available to our users soon after Easter. Has been quite a learning curve - three months ago I knew no Python and next to no Javascript (I'm a Delphi programmer) but it's all coming together well.

I use PythonAnywhere as a development environment on my iPad

I found PythonAnywhere by accident, using it to get incoming flight time for Emirates planes to local airport. This in turn gets sent to google firebase database and then is read by a kivy app on my phone with the times. Still messing with it and often breaking it in the process. Shall be trying the sql database also as a learning tool.