
I can’t access the MySQL interpreter, I get the error: ERROR 2026 (HY000): SSL connection error: unknown error number

Every time I try to open a terminal to access the database I get the error ERROR 2026 (HY000): SSL connection error: unknown error number, whether I try it from bash or from the database page, I just created the database, do I have to configure something extra or is it some problem with the free accounts?

Have you seen this help page?

Yes, but that not work. The only thing that works is adding --ssl=FALSE parameter

Could you show the full command you use to connect with the database on PythonAnywhere?

I'm getting exactly the same error here, even using the UI, i.e., clicking on

Click a database's name to start a MySQL console logged in to it.

So I don't think it's about how DavidCabrera is typing the command.

I also have read the help page, but that doesn't help.

It's the first time I try to use MySQL and my account is NOT free, by the way.

This is the complete output:

Loading console...

Preparing execution environment... OK

Awaiting Bicycle Repair man... OK

Loading Mysql interpreter...

ERROR 2026 (HY000): SSL connection error: unknown error number

Console closed.

You're on a fairly old system image. I suspect that you need to update your system image:

Hi, Glenn.

As you know, an image change can cause many troubles, so it would be nice to have more detailed answers before updating.

  • I'm using fishnchips. Are you saying that fishnchips image doesn't support MySQL?
  • What's the MySQL version for each image?

Doesn't matter. I have updated the system image and it worked for me. Thanks, glenn!

To expand a bit on what Glenn said above: fishnchips supports MySQL, but only up to version 5.7. Because 5.7 is currently going through an end-of-life procedure, and won't be available as of this autumn, new databases created on PythonAnywhere use MySQL version 8.