
Stuck on Coming Soon...

Hi there! I've seen a number of forum posts about this one, but I can't crack it in my case. I'm all but certain my Django configuration is appropriate and that my CNAME is set to the proper record, and I've allowed much more than the TTL to pass since I configured the site... any chance anyone can look a little closer and help me out? Feel free to ask follow-up questions, etc.!

How does your DNS configuration look like? Email us at if you do not want to share details on public forums.

Thanks for the reply! I'm on Ionos, CNAME www record pointing to I have some experience doing this kind of thing before (various hosting services and DNS providers) but I still feel pretty clueless when it comes to troubleshooting, so any help is appreciated. Thanks again!

I see that you set up the DNS correctly for www which is pointing to PythonAnywhere, but you configured your web app as a "naked domain" (without www). If you want to use a naked you'd need to set up a redirect (see: this help page), but your web app on PA should be www.....

Oh -- is that the name of the webapp itself? I changed that and I'm getting a failure page now, which seems like a step in the right direction. I'll give it a little time and see whether everything sorts itself out. Thanks!

All right, good luck!

Thanks for following up with me through this! A couple corrections from the error log, and I'm live. It would be great to have a more complete/explicit guide for configuration, ideally with links to the pages where the steps would be completed. Hopefully that just comes across as friendly feedback, and helps make this process more accessible for others! Let me know if I can help.

It's hard to make one universal help page because people have multiple different needs, so we have multiple pages for different cases. If you want to propose an improvement you can always submit a PR on