
Should URLs in sitemap be with www or without?

Hello. I'm a new for wirking with websites. I've created a Django website and want to change domain name. I m a bit confused.

1) Where should I register my new domain for having opportunity simply redirect it from plain mysite|com to www mysite|com? I ve read there is a problems with namecheap.

2) What domain name shoud I put in sitemap? With www or without?

Default domain name pythonanywhere work only without www

Take a look at

I've read this before. I ve register my domain in GoDaddy. But appears other problem, I can't have a secure connection. In Https Certificate I have: We were unable to create a Let's Encrypt certificate for your domain right now because your domain is malformed or not pointed at PythonAnywhere. Please try again once you have your DNS CNAME set up correctly. Your old Let's Encrypt certificate has been removed.

On free accounts, the certificate is provided without you needing to do anything. Your site current has a valid certificate.