
MySQL over SSH

I'm trying to connnect with the MySQL Workbench, using the SSH tunneling. I simply can not get it to work... It always ends up in a 'timeout connecting to for user **', or 'failed at athentication' for (and sometimes a timeout there too).

All the settings are there, I use my e-mail as username for the SSH connection, the correct password (quadruple-checked). I have a paid account. I do not know what's next to do... Any suggestions?

If I make a conection using PuttY, I can not connect to (time out). I did manage to connect once to I entered my e-mail: so far so good; I enter my password: wrong-wrong-wrong (but it does work for logging into the website...)

What is going wrong?

Your ssh username should be your PythonAnywhere username, so icerunner

This help page should help -

Let us know how you get on

Thank you for the quick reply. I saw the page, followed everything to the letter... kept timing out on me. Now all of the sudden it connected - nothing changed, just clicked and it worked!

So - fixed, somehow :-)

Glad it works now!