
UPDATE MySQL version

Hi, could you please upgrade my mysql version to 5.7+. The MySQL version below 5.7 is not supporting the JSON fields as my project have few json fields in the db structure, Can you do it as soon as possible please. Thank you.

Sure, no problem -- that's done now.

Please upgrade my MySQL version I was unable to use JSON data type in my current MySQL version, please upgrade it to 5.7.8 +. Thank you.

We could move you to a new MySQL server (v5.7), but it would involve downtime. Email us to schedule a time that would work for us and you to do the move.

Hi, could i have my MySQL bumped to 5.7+? I need to use the JSON field. Thanks!

MINDFIT, Why don't you try importing JSON fields as TEXT datatype and use it in your python script with json.loads()

@deejaynof Do you care about downtime? (migration of the database from server to server takes a moment)

Not at all :)

it's done for you.


Hello, could I ask for an upgrade to v5.7+?

Sure! Just drop us a line at so that we can arrange timing -- or if the timing doesn't matter to you, let us know that and we'll do the upgrade as soon as we can.

It doesn't really matter, so please do it anytime you can. Thanks in advance.

OK, no problem -- that's done now.

cool, thanks!

Hi!, I need the same, could you upgrade my MySQL to 5.7+ please?

No problem. I have migrated your database.

Great, thanks!

Hi!, I need the same, could you upgrade my MySQL to 5.7+ please?

Ok. I have migrated your databases.

Could you please do the same for me please.

Sure! That's done now.

Hi, Can you please upgrade my MySQL database. It shows an error while i am trying to make a backup of my database. The error is : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use

I think we spoke about this over email too -- if you're trying to make a backup using mysqldump, you should run that command in a Bash console, not a MySQL one. Despite the name, mysqldump is a Bash command.

Hi Giles, Please upgrade my MySQL to the newest one too. I would like to have JSON field. Thanks!

Your MySQL server is already at the most recent that we offer.

Thank you! (and sorry for my not checking this)

Hi!, I need the same, could you upgrade my MySQL to 5.7+ please?

No problem. I have migrated your database to a server that runs MySQL 5.7.

Hi!, (I edited this post) could you upgrade my MySQL to 5.7+ please?

Hi, we can certainly do that for you. It will however take down your database for approximately 20 minutes plus some time on top of that depending how much data you store.

We can do that from Monday to Friday between 12 noon and 6 pm UTC, please let us know which time is most suitable for you. If you don't care for the timing, let us know likewise and we will do that ASAP.

Go ahead, no problem

OK, that's running now -- we'll post back here when it has completed.

...and that's done now.

Thanks Giles!

Hello, could I also get the migrate? I don't have problems about downtime.

I see that we're talking about this over email too, so we'll reply there.

Hi, could I get upgraded too. Don't worry about downtime, fire away.

@aidodo No problem, it's done for you.

Hello, please can i have MySQL upgraded to 5.7+ too? I need it to work with Jsonfield. Thanks in advance.

Sure @acerimallas, it's done for you.

Hello, please can i have MySQL upgraded to 5.7+ too? I need it to work with Jsonfield. Thanks.

No problem, that's done now.

Hi, could I get upgraded too. Don't worry about downtime. Thanks in advance.

@wisebuy It's done for you

Thank you

Could I also get a MySQL upgrade to 5.7+ please? I need JSON fields. Thank you :-)

@hrishikeshrt we can certainly do that for you. It will however take down your database for approximately 20 minutes plus some time on top of that depending how much data you store.

We can do that from Monday to Friday between 12 noon and 6 pm UTC, please let us know which time is most suitable for you. If you don't care for the timing, let us know likewise and we will do that ASAP.

Thank you! I do not have any data at all in my database at the moment, I was just trying to setup the database afresh. I do not care about the timings.

@hrishikeshrt It's done for you


Can I have a MySQL upgrade too please? downtime is not an issue for me

Your MySQL server is already at the most recent version of MySQL available on PythonAnywhere.

My database has went weird. Its version 5.6.48. I was quite happy with it until this morning when it stopped updating itself. It won't allow me to INSERT or DELETE. It shows me the same visitor number in the counter although the website updates the number a few times before resetting to the earlier number it shows on the console.

Oh - never mind. I got it. I was missing the db.commit() command.

Oh, OK, thanks for letting us know.

Hi, Could you please upgrade my SQL to 8.0.22? I have a recursive query, worked in my local, not supported by server. Thanks in advance.

5.7 is the newest available on pythonanywhere at the moment. We will let you know here when we can upgrade you to 8.0

Hello, I would also require an update to MySQL 8.0.16+. I'm trying to use CHECK constraints. Thank you in advance;

Unfortunately we only support MySQL up to 5.7 right now. We will let you know here when we can upgrade you to 8.0.

Is an update to MySQL 8.0 planned? If so, could we get a rough estimate of when?

We would do not estimate, Sorry.

hello, could you please upgrade my sql version to my sql v8, or the latest one please.

Your MySQL database is already on the most recent version that we support.

UPDATE MySQL version Hi, could you please upgrade my mysql version to 5.7+.Can you do it as soon as possible please. Thank you.

@Lin1668 Your MySQL database is running on 5.7.33 server.

UPDATE MySQL version Hi, could you please upgrade my sql version to the latest one. Thank you.

Your MySQL database server is already running 5.7.28.

Hi, What is the latest mysql version that you could, currently, upgrade my website to? Are you planning to have version 8.0 available any time soon?

5.7.28 is the most recent version that we currently support, but we're working on adding on MySQL 8 -- no exact timeline yet, but it should be within the next few months.

Hi, could you update my version of mysql to 5.7.8 +? Thanks

Your MySQL server is already a more recent version than that. What problems are you having that suggest to you that it is an older one?

In my database console show version server 5.7.34, and I use django with JSON fields that require MySQL 5.7.8+

5.7.34 is higher than 5.7.8, so Django JSON field should work for you.

Of course, excuse my confusion. Thanks for your attention.

No problem, glad it's sorted out.

may you also upgrade my database

Your database is already at the highest version that we provide.

Just wondering, how can I check what MySQL version I'm running?

@resurrexi Probably the easiest way would be to start a MySQL console on your Databases page -- it will print the version when it starts; you can always use SELECT VERSION(); command as well.

could I also get upgraded to a version that supports json field?

not worried about down time still very much in development

All MySQL databases on PythonAnywhere are running the version that provides json field.

im using django so i think that might be whats causing the error im still getting trying to migrate, any chance you could change it to 5.7.8?

What version of Django are you using? JSONField for MySQL was introduced in Django 3.1. (all our MySQL servers support it)

django 3.1 mysql says its 5.7.34 (django docs say mysql 5.7.8+ is needed)

5.7.34 is 5.7.8+

oh duh lol, huh must be something else thanks anyways!

UNION operator not working in mysql v5.7.34 with django

What is the example code that is not working?

Hi, could i have my MySQL bumped to 5.7+? I need to use the JSON field. Thanks!

All MySQL databases on PythonAnywhere are running the version that provides json field.

Sorry, I should have been more specific with this. Here is the error:

ERROR 1101 (42000): BLOB, TEXT, GEOMETRY or JSON column 'user_data' can't have a default value

Happens when I try to create a database with one row being this:

user_data JSON NOT NULL DEFAULT '{"msg":"Default Message"}'

I read that this error was a problem related to the DB version and that it was fixed in later versions. Thank you for replying.

I see! In such case the issue is related to the default value for the JSON field which is not supported in our versions of MySQL (according to the docs: "Prior to MySQL 8.0.13, a JSON column cannot have a non-NULL default value.").

Hello, four years later and MySQL has is up to version 8.0.31 but the one on PythonAnywhere is only version 5.7.34-log. Any chance it could get updated past 8.0 ?

It's on the way, but no ready yet.

Can you upgrade my MYSQL-server to v8+ as soon as it is available, please? When would that be possible?

I've made a note to contact you when it's ready; then we can coordinate timing to migrate your data to a MySQL 8 server.

Any idea on the time line? Not to be a pain, but it's preventing me from furthering my project and I don't want to look elsewhere for hosting services since I love PA so much. I hope you would notify all users via email when this update occurs since it's so important. Thank you!

We're keeping a list of everyone that has asked for it in this forum thread and elsewhere (and Filip added you to that list the other day), so we'll definitely notify everyone who's expressed and interest.

We don't have an exact timeline, but we are actively working on it right now -- it's not on some backlog of things to do some day -- so hopefully we'll have more news soon.

I would also like my MySQL server version to be at 8 -- could I also be notified when it's available?

Sure, I've added you to the list.

Awesome, thanks nkahr!

We will let you know when it's ready.

Please let me know also. Thanks

Please let me know also. Thanks

Please let me know also. Thanks

We will let you know.

I would also like my MySQL server version to be at 8 -- could I also be notified when it's available?

We will let you know.

Please let me know also. Thanks!

We will let you know.

Hi, could you please upgrade my mysql version to 5.7+ to 8

We'll let you know when it's available

Hello, i would also like to upgrade my mysql version from 5.7+ to 8. Thank you.


Hi, could you update my version of MySQL5.7.41 to MySQL8+ ? Thanks

We're in the process of rolling out support for MySQL 8. Are you using Django? If so, in the meantime you can use 4.1, and it should work fine with the existing MySQL servers.

Hello, i would also like to upgrade my mysql version from 5.7.41+ to 8.


When will you update to MySQL 8 approximately?

And how to use MySQL 4.1 as you mentioned?

Noted. 4.1 is Django version, not MySQL.

I would also like my MySQL server version to be at 8 -- could I also be notified when it's available?

@qblist Please email us at as we are slowly rolling it out now.

We are now able to migrate users to MySQL 8 on request. The migration takes a few minutes plus the time it takes for us to dump and reload your databases on the new server. So larger databases will take longer. Your database will not be available during the migration. You will need to be on either the glastonbury or the haggis system image (, so please make sure that you are on one of those before making the request. Send a request to with an indication of a time when it will be convenient for you (between 11am and 6pm UTC on a weekday).