
404 error and not finding my (‘/‘) page

hello i have made some changes to my ‘/“ home page and when i did that it goes to the 404 page i have changed the ‘/‘ to ‘/home’ in my app.route and it still cant find the page. i have Manually entered some of my other URLs and they work finally. I’ve also got a problem with My item_Details.html which is coming up with a 404 in my error log and it’s not giving my any error but a 404 i have manually checked it and it still not showing the page.

i have made changes to my flask route to add feature item on my home page and after that it stop loading int the home page the url_for doesn’t Even acknowledge that the page exists in my flask route i could work it out if it gave me something in the error log but it only gives me a 404.

ive even tried :::app.route('/') def index(): return 'hello world this is working'::: AND IT STILL SHOWING A 404

is there a problem on your end of the server or has this happen to other uses i have read the other 404 in the forum and they are no help. i dont know what to change for it to work but ill keep on trying new way to see if i can fix the 404 that im getting it just seen strange that its not working DO YOU HAVE ANY TIPS FOR MY PROBLEM.

thank you for you time

I have fix up my home page by fixing up my models class for my database, which has resolved the proble for the (‘/“) url however im still getting a 404 from my (‘/add_item’) page i have resolved the rest of my database errors and overlapped the problems, i am still get a 404 error i have checked the app.route and that is correct so i dont know what to check next as i have resolved the error log now im getting only 404 errors. ill keep on try to work through anything else that i might change. SO IF YOU HAVE ANY ADVICE ON WHERE TO START THAT WOUKD BE GREAT. ILL KEEP YOU UPDATED if i resolve this 404 THANK YOU

THANK YOU i have fix the problem noe it was the :::except Exception as e: db.session.rollback() # Roll back the transaction print(str(e)) # Log the error return render_template('error.html') # Display an error page to the user::: that wasn’t passing the error to the log page so i hashed it out and fixed the problem and the hashed it back in after i fix the problem now i know that if i want an error to go to the log then i need to put another print statement that print out the full error in to the log. it only tool me 6 hours to figure that out and i got there at the end so thank you for your help but i fix the problem now so i dont need any help..

Glad to hear that you made it work!