
no such table: django_session

I was working fine with my database, but now I get this error no such table: django_session, I look in the dump file and the table is there to be created, but when I go to myslq bash and I make a select it get that the table doesn't exists.

we I run snycb I get

   ValueError: Unable to configure filter 'require_debug_false': Cannot resolve 'django.utils.log.RequireDebugFalse': No module   named RequireDebugFalse

I try a solution, just to remove some lines from the settings file

filters': {

'require_debug_false': {

    '()': 'django.utils.log.CallbackFilter',

    'callback': lambda r: not DEBUG


But it didn't work neither....I hope I can find a solution here.

Which version of Django are you using? And which version of Python? That looks like a version mismatch problem.