
Does using the jupyternotebook on my paid account contribute towards the allotted CPU cycles?

I just paid for the account to have a bunch of scripts scheduled and i dont want to use their CPU allowance. At least not until i have established [how they run, optimise them, dip into the tarpit and see if they fail]...

I do however like the idea of an online jupyter notebook, i enjoyed it locally once, but i dont want to set it up again.

The web apps dont contribute towards the CPU allowance, maybe the notebook doesn't either?

I looked in help for the answer to this and couldn't find. Thanks in advance.

Notebooks use the CPU quota, also they continue to run in the background even if you don't actively use them (you can check for processes containing jupyterhub-singleuser, ipykernel or sudospawner in the processes list on the Consoles page to see how much CPU it sips when you start a notebook and keep it running).


I dont want to watch something for a long time, i just want to know an approximation, i can watch the CPU costs while i use the Notebook, but do you have an approx/estimate of how much it would CPU cost to run in the background if i forgot to close it.

I like the PythonAnywhere pricing structure, where i cant really mess things up too bad financially, its £5 a month, whatever i do, and i dont have any number of scripts running yet which would be impacted if i left it running, but they're the primary reason i got a paid account.

So the question above, daily background CPU cost per notebook approx

Plus the question, more an opinion i'm looking for, if i do some expensive stuff for example like prime factorisation, is this absolutely the wrong platform for that? But in less troll-ish terms, if i just code away like for fun, and do so on anything i might want to do, some of which might be expensive, again, is this the wrong platform for that?

I have no idea how to frame the average coding i've done over the years in terms of an online service, its pennies of electricity, like watching a video on VLC, its not worth thinking about, but on here, is it instant tarpit and then not only scheduled tasks but a good user experience of the notebook (timely response) is lost?

Sorry for the long question, and for the "put you on the spot" aspect to it, but can you give me some feel for the above questions?

I'm not sure what is the actual question that we could answer.