
Whitelist submission

Hey guys! Not sure if there is a specific thread or not for whitelist submissions. But I am trying to create a cool recipe grabber for a project, but the Yummly API is not allowed.

I get a Forbidden error when trying to access it via my Flask app, and I'm pretty sure its because Yummly isn't "whitelisted". Any help here?


Here is a link to their API

Wow. $500/month is a pretty serious entry-level plan, respect to yummly! Will add it to the whitelist now...

OK, that's added to the whitelist now. Let us know if it all works OK.

Yeah no kidding. Luckily they have a temporary scholastic account which they let us have for a bit!

Thanks for adding it! I seem to also be running into a 403 error when I try and scrape html from specific pages. (i.e. I'm trying to get the directions from I believe this is restricted as I'm not a premium user here?

Thanks for the help

That's correct. I don't see an API for, so they're not a candidate for whitelisting.

Would it be possible to add to the white list:

They have a JSON api:

I'm currently using a free pythonanywhere account to develop site. The group I'm developing site for is in process of paying for a paid pythonanywhere account.

Thank you.

No problem. That's on the whitelist now.

That's great. Thank you very much.

Is it possible to add to the whitelist? I've an app that uses queries like "" to access contents.

The website provides invaluable tools for querying the human genome.I could have got away by using a local copy of human genome, but it is slightly above the free disk-size ;)

Please whitelist... :)

We are happy to add any public api's to the whitelist if you provide us with the api documentation showing the official api endpoint.

AFAIK, they do not use APIs. They use something called Distributed Annotation System or DAS. Unfortunately, the main DAS website appears down.

My queries will be like

Variables are hg38 and the part after segment

[edit by admin: dead link removal]

I'm also interested in accessing biology data. Further to karthikkn's post above, here's some more details about accessing that UCSC DAS server - the query format, and explaining that queries are permitted from interactive front-end sites (whereas programs should be limited to one hit every 15 seconds and no more than 5,000 hits per day):


Please add Wunderlist (documented here - to the whitelist. The endpoint is


I think, on balance, it's not a good idea for us to add the UCSC DAS server. They specifically state that they'd prefer that programs not use their site and the low usage limitation may mean that users will be trampling all over each other. is already on the whitelist.

Hi Glenn,

I agree about the usage limitation on the UCSC server. However I was thinking if you are using "iptables", would it be possible to add a rate limiting rule, such as:

iptables -A OUTPUT -d -p tcp --dport 80 -o eth0 -m state --state NEW -m recent --update --seconds 60 --hitcount 10 -j REJECT

where: is IP for

which would permit 10 hits within 60 seconds.

Similar to the "Example: Limit Connections Per Second" on this page:

The whitelist is a quick way of giving some external to free users. We're not going to build out infrastructure for just one on the entries in the whitelist. Your solution also doesn't deal with one user using the entire allowance so that other users don't get to use the site.


glenn wrote:

I think, on balance, it's not a good idea for us to add the UCSC DAS server. They specifically state that they'd prefer that programs not use their site and the low usage limitation may mean that users will be trampling all over each other.

That is why you should allow DAS, instead of the other popular method - the public MySQL server, that has more limitations (and size/CPU time issues in case of accessing from PythonAnywhere). Currently DAS is the best way to access the resource that I want in the most effective way.

I hope you reconsider this (or else I've to find some other APIs, request you to add it, and change my code).


It specifically says they prefer their site to be used interactively and don't want programs hitting the endpoint. As such, it is highly unlikely that we will add it to the whitelist.

OK. With great difficulty, I found an alternative source that provides similar API ( Is is possible to whitelist it? Here's the documentation.

Okay, we have whitelisted for you.

Thank you so much conrad! :D

Would it be possible to whitelist ?

It allows accessing viewerlists with

The channelname must be all lowercase and the site will return a json-object containg the viewerlist.

It's not part of twitch's regular, unfortunately.

Sorry, if you can't give us a link to the docs that show it's OK to use as an API, then we can't whitelist it.

I can't, it's not an official API :-( and

Public apis as described here:

I think my colleague Glenn whitelisted those yesterday after an email discussion, perhaps with you. They should work fine now.

could you please considering add onto the whitelist? it's for authentication thanks

Let's keep this all on the same thread.

I have a paid account and trying to add a website to the whitelist. It has no api and I am trying to use it with selenium. How do I do that?

If you have a paid account, you get full Internet access so whether a site is on the whitelist or not should not affect you. What happens when you try to access it using Selenium?

Could we add to the whitelist? Here is the documentation Thanks!

I've added it now -- let us know if it works OK?

Could "" be added to the whitelist?


Hm. I'm not sure I understand exactly what byond is, but it looks like a game hosting platform, and i don't think it has a public API --- how do you imagine your code on PythonAnywhere interacting with byond?

Nevermind, I have chosen payment account because it needs more flexibility.

Thank you anyway

That works too! :-)

Hi! I need to run a script to download Boiler databases from the website '', Could you please add it to your whitelist?

It's kind of urgent. Pls.


Hi there, I can't quite find the relevant documentation showing what the public api endpoint is. (also made harder because it's not in English)

Can you provide us with a link?

Alternatively, if it's very urgent, you could upgrade (paid users don't go through the proxy and get full external internet access).

Could you please add the Wikimapia API to whitelist? ( We are currently building a mobile application that needs processed data from this API. ( The base URL is Thank you in advance!!!

No problem. That's done.

Could you please add the API? This service like a Stripe in shipping of packages world :) Thank you!

okay. I've add added to the whitelist.

I am starting using PythonAnywhere and I would like to download the CSV with the Net Asset Value of an italian investment fund from their website, in this way:


Is it possible to have the site whitelisted to avoid receiving:

urllib2.URLError: <urlopen error Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden>

This would be great! Thanks in advance

Hi there,

We usually only whitelist sites that have an official, documented public API -- ie, websites that have been designed for consumption rather than machines. I'm not sure this site qualifies? It looks to me like they're intending for humans to manually download those excel files? But maybe I'm wrong -- perhaps they have some documentation somewhere?

Alternatively, premium accounts have unrestricted Internet, and start at $5/month, and there's a 30-day money back guarantee...

Hello, another whitelist request:

Here is a link to their API docs


Sure! That's done.


This is a really easy easy easy image uploader:

API info:

Could it be put on the whitelist too?

imgur is the alternative w.r.t your current image hostings but its much more complicated..



Ok. I've added that to the whitelist.


I'm having some trouble opening files, and checking file size using image.size.

Could you try this link : I put a BMW on the site.

I get an error request saying it the website needs to be on the whitelist. I've also tried doing the same with an imgur photo but it said it isnt on the whitelist either?

It might just be something with my code.



Oops. Sorry, I misspelled it when I put it in the list. I've fixed it now.

Thanks for whitelisting so fast! (regarding my Jan 4th request:

I'm still having a bit of trouble though, I tried another outbound call this morning on got this error:

ConnectionError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /limelm/api/rest/ (Caused by ProxyError('Cannot connect to proxy.', error('Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden',))

Is there a cache, or something that needs to reset after a whitelist update? This is a 443 request as well, not sure if that makes a difference.

Thanks in advance,


Sorry for the slow reply! That's done.

Hey, Can you please add in whitelist? it is LINE app messaging API. Here is the link to the documentation:

Thanks in advance

No problem. I've added that to the whitelist.

hey, can you guys add also this site to the whitelist? it has a json api: Thanks!

that's done. let us know if it works ok?

it is partially working: the application i'm developing uses two api's from the website

this one is working:

this one is not:

Thanks a lot for replying so fast!!

Hm, those are the same domains right, just different URLs? our proxy doesn't distinguish between the two, so something else must be going wrong...

curl -iv

works ok for me, gets a 200 response...

oh, you're right.

I'm getting [errno 111]. Will look for an answer in another topic. Thanks a lot for helping :)

The 111 is what you get if you try to access a server directly, without using the proxy. Some HTTP libraries -- requests, for example -- are proxy-aware, and pick up the correct settings from the system environment. Others -- the built-in Python modules, for example -- need to be explicitly configured.

If you're writing your own code to talk to the servers, then try using requests -- it's a great library and much easier to use than the built-in modules, as well as being proxy-aware :-)

If you're using an API that someone else has written to access the sites, then they may well have a way of specifying the proxy -- most do.

Hi, could be please whitelist this url :

I have a paid account but I still get <Response [403]> while accessing ''. Can u please check this up?

are you using a new console/did you restart your webapp etc?

yep thanks it works now :)

Hi ,

Im developing a site that will have access to weather data from tiempo. com and aemet (meteorological spanish agency). Could you add this siet to the whitelist? url: api doc:

aemet url:


Ok. I've added to the whitelist, but not because I can't get a response from that address.

Hi pythonanywhere Devs,

I'm developing a Django application that uses Login with Amazon / Pay with Amazon / Amazon Product API and it seems like their api is not on the white list. is their endpoint, and the documentation featuring it for login is here:

Can this be added?

Thank you.

Have added it now. Let us know if it works OK?

I'd like to confirm that it works!

Thanks a bunch.



Thank by

url of aemet is a ssl url (sorry , i forgot this detail)

url with info info about aemet api

Could you add it to whitelist?


No problem -- that's whitelisted now.

Thanks . It's working :-)

Excellent, thanks for confirming!

Hi. Could you please whitelist those two api urls.



So far i am getting this error -

File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/requests/", line 465, in send raise ProxyError(e, request=request) requests.exceptions.ProxyError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /v2/domain-search?domain=http://aiya-ame (Caused by ProxyError('Cannot connect to proxy.', error('Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden' ,)))


Sure! That's done.

Can we please whitelist Santiago's two public bike systems? and Cheers lads!

Do they have an official public API? Send us links to the documentation and we can probably whitelist them.

Can we please add to the free user whitelist

Done- enjoy!

Hi, I am trying to send HTTP request to my sites hosted on openshift with url *

Is it possible to add it to the white list please ? Many thanks

I don't think that would qualify, no. We only whitelist official, documented public APIs.

Please add Documentation: Thanks in advance!

Please whitelist this URL: Thank you.

Both done. Let us know if they work OK?

Hi harry, It works. thanks a lot

Hi.. I am trying to create an ebook grabber project. Can you please whitelist this URL: Thank you so much

Where is the documentation for the API?

It seems like they didn't provide API. Can't it work without API?

If there is no publicly published API, then it's not a candidate for inclusion in the whitelist. works fine, thanks!

Hey guys.

Could be added to the list? The first version of the API ( is already allowed but it has been discontinued in favor of the new endpoint.

Where are the docs?

As far as I could tell, this is the available documentation.

No problem. I've added that to the whitelist.

Thanks a bunch, glenn!

Could you add this api:

Sure! That's added.

Thank you very much, giles!

please whitelist this api url -

No problem. I've added that to the whitelist.

Hi, I would like to ask for three websites to be whitelisted :[orderby]=rand&filter[posts_per_page]=1

which are the apis for the three following websites :

I hope to hear from you soon, Thanks !

mashape was already on the whitelist. I've added the others.

Could you add this api:

That looks like a website for interacting with the data. I don't see any API documentation.



That's just some JSON, it's not API documentation.

Can be added? It's the general bikeshare feed for Citibike NYC data. Info here:


Can be added? It's the general bikeshare feed for Citibike NYC data. Info here:


Sure! That's whitelisted now.

Could you please white-list and their API .

Thanks a lot! ^_^

Sure! That's done.

Thanks a lot mate. Works like a charm!!


Sorry for bothering ya again. Could you please white-list and their API

I would love to make my agent a bit more intelligent when he doesn't have an answer ( functionality ) for what he was asked about.

Much appreciated ;P

Have added that now. Let us know if it works OK?

Perfect. Thanks a lot Harry. Works perfectly :)

Hi! Could you please whitelist these two domains?

1) It provides access to distributional semantic models for the Russian language, they have API, as can be seen here

2) It's a web-service for extracting key phrases from texts. They only have documentation in Russian ( and their website is also fully in Russian (, but they also have an API.

I teach Python to linguistics students, and my students are now working on a bunch of projects, which they are supposed to host here on pythonanywhere. The projects use those two APIs =)

Hope you can help!

No problem. I've added and to the whitelist.

Many thanks!

Any chance can be added to the whitelist? This is for https encryption via letsencrypt.

Hi there, I can't see any link between identrust and the mozilla letsencrypt program? (in any case, we only support letsencrypt certs for paying users, so they don't need the whitelist...)

Hi guys! Can you please add to whitelist? I'm doing my diploma project for my university and it can't work without it. Thanks.

Hi there -- we only whitelist sites with an official public API. Does that site have one? If so, just send us a link to the API docs and we can whitelist it.


Could you please whitelist ?

You already have whitelisted and, but Microsoft Cognitive Services have several other API endpoints as explained here: So you whitelisted only one of all possible endpoints...

Thanks in advance!

okay- we have added those endpoints for you!

i am also having the same problem HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /v1/Accounts/none5129/Calls/connect.json (Caused by ProxyError('Cannot connect to proxy.', OSError('Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden',)))

api link you can contact me at

okay- we have added to the whitelist.

I'm also having this problem HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /transaction/initialize (Caused by ProxyError('Cannot connect to proxy.', error('Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden',))) api link thank you.

OK. I've added that to the whitelist.

thank you so much

Please add this domain to whitelist I have a Shedule parser for my opensource non commercial app with university shedule and i cant parse it


Do they have an official public API? If so, just give us a link to the API documentation and we can take a look at whitelisting it.

No, they don't, there only shedule table, and I made a perser to make an api:)

If there's no official API, we can't whitelist it, unfortunately :-(

Hey guys, Could you please white-list

Thanks in advance <3

No problem! That's done.

You're the man. Thanks a lot.

No problem :-)


Hey guys, could you please white list and ?

Thanks in advance!

Hi there, we only whitelist sites with official, public, documented APIs. I don't think either of those qualify?

Hi! My site using skpy - it is Skype API fo rPython, here is a link: But when I try to send a request, I get this error:

HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /login/oauth/microsoft? (Caused by ProxyError('Cannot connect to proxy.', OSError('Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden',)))

Maybe it is possible to add it to whitelist ? Thanks a lot!

Unfortunately we can't really whitelist that -- we only whitelist official public APIs, and the API that package is using is unofficial and undocumented.

That said, you have a paid account, so you should be able to access anything without needing it to be whitelisted. Are you still getting that 403 error after upgrading? If so, it may just be that Skype have stopped supporting one of the endpoints that API uses.

Thanks, I have upgrade my account and now it works OK !

Could you whitelist:, wss://

Link to the api docs:

Also you can remove since it's been discontinued.

Hi there,

Thanks for letting us know. We have added and taken out from the whitelist. However, we have not added because our whitelist only support http/https protocols.

Hi! Could you add this sites to the whitelist?

These pages are from the electricity companies of Argentina and I would like to use them to capture the data of users without supply.

Thank you very much

Where are the API docs?

There is no documentation because it is not an API. The proyect is to scraping the data

We only add addresses to the whitelist if they have a public, documented API.

We only add addresses to the whitelist if they have a public, documented API.

Dear PA, would you please add to whitelist? It is public database for clinical trials. API document is here: Thank you very much!

Thanks- we have added to the whitelist.

Hello. Is it possible to add to whitelist?

Where are the API docs?

I'm not shure. Maybe

Ok. I've added that to the whitelist.

Thank you

Could you add:

API documentation is at

Thank you.

okay- we have added to the whitelist for you. Sounds fun!

Would it be possible to whitelist the API below? Government website. I'm trying to build a solar calculator app and add some fancy visualizations on top.

Sure! I've whitelisted that site.

Thank you! App is working great :-) Now I just need to do the hard part and add in features.


Can you please add the target to the whitelist. The API documentation is here [][1]

My first time trying to use this this from Pythonanywhere, it's failing and I can find no reference to the host/vendor in the forums so I guess it needs to be whitelisted.

Many thanks,

[edit: my mistake, it worked - had a line in the code commented out!]


can you please add to the whitelisting as well

can you post us a link to the api documentation and a list of all the domains the api is served from?

API Documentation

The domain from where the API is served from

The api documentation page you linked seems to imply that the endpoint is Can you show me some documentation saying that is also part of the api endpoints?

Can you add "" to whitelist? This is the Socket.IO server used by Wikia for their chat system.

Where are the docs?

This is a Socket.IO server. Is there not enough documentation for the Socket.IO itself? I mean: it's mandatory to have documentation where it would be written, what events are used when working with chat?

No, the docs are necessary to show that the owners of the site expect it to be used as an API. If they don't provide docs then they probably don't expect it to be used as an API and using it like that would possibly be a violation of their terms of service.

my bad they changed the api url to I didn't realise that can you whitelist

It looks like that one's already on the whitelist -- could you try accessing it and see if it works?

It works! Thank you and sorry for the trouble.

It works! Thank you and sorry for the trouble.

Hi, can this link to download a csv file being white list?

Could you give us a link to their API docs?

Can you add (mastercard API sandbox) to whitelist. API documented at

Sure! is whitelisted now.

Hey can you please whitelist wich is an API for computer vision / content moderation? The documentation is here

Ok. I've added that to the whitelist.

Hello. Could you please add to the whitelist? We are working on open-source API (proxy) between Koji (Fedora build system) status and clients based on MicroPython.

Thank you!

Does have an official public API? If so, could you give us a link?

Unfortunately, Koji hasn't API but its web interface is really simple HTML we need to parse. We are making really simple API from them because we cannot connect directly from MicroPython devices to HTTPS sites.

For example, see my Koji builds on this page:

And all information we need is the state of a task described by the image in the last column.

Unfortunately we only whitelist sites with an official public API designed for access from code.

Hi, could we have added to the whitelist please? API docs here:

okay- we have added to the whitelist for you!

great thankyou!

great thankyou!

Hi, could you please add EDF open data platforms to the whitelist please ? They publish a signal that tells you when it is the best time to load your electric vehicle from an environmental/electric grid/economical point of view. Would be great to get it !

API docs here :

Domains are:

Can we add , the documentation is here

@Thibaudroy -- sorry for the slow reply! Is there an official list of the domains anywhere? I couldn't find one on the site.

@hackesta -- it looks like that's already whitelisted -- could you give it a go and see if it works?

@giles thanks :)

@giles yes on their main open data platform you can find the list of all the platforms:

No problem. I've added the domains on that page to the whitelist.


can you add the Dutch Cadastre's Building Registry API to the whitelist?

API endpoint:


Thanks in advance!

Sure! We have added that to the whitelist for you!

Awesome, thank you very much!


I'm a new user and would really appreciate it if Customer Relationship Management tool, Insightly, had their API added to the whitelist.


Thanks in advance!


I sent in an email to the support address, but this topic seems like a better place to make a whitelist request.

MBTA Alert and Realtime Transit Data



Thank you in advance!

I was trying to use python module isbnlib and couldn't because the API it uses isn't whitelisted. Could you add:


okay! we've whitelisted for you! thanks!

Can you please also add to whitelist too?


Hi there- we only whitelist sites with official api endpoints that are made publicly available. Can you point us to the particular api documentation so that we can figure out which endpoint to whitelist?

also- I see that you have already upgraded. As a paid user, you have no restrictions (only free users have their external internet access restricted to a whitelist to avoid them DDoSing others)

Is it possible to add to whitelist? They have public API pages, here are a few

P. S. I already have paid account, so I'm accessing the site with my programs. I just found this thread, so making a request to add politicsandwar to whitelist

Is there a documentation page for the API? We only whitelist official APIs that site owners have stated are for public use.

Yeah, here is the wiki page for API links.

OK have added that now, let us know if it works OK?

Sure thanks. I've a paid account, so I'll just create another dummy account and check it out

Hi, Please add

API docs:

that's done. let us know if it works ok.

Thanks harry, tis is working now


Is it possible to add to the white list?


Is it possible to add to the white list?


Sure! That's whitelisted now.


Without publicly available documentation, the site is no a candidate for the whitelist.

Hi. Please add wordreference to the whitelist. AND



Hi. Please add wordreference to the whitelist. AND



I don't think we can really whitelist that: they say "Due to abuse of the API, it is no longer available. Current users can continue to use it, but no new users are being accepted. Sorry for the inconvenience."

I managed to get an api key, thats why i want it whitelisted

We only whitelist sites with official public APIs -- this is prevent abuse. As they're saying that it's no longer available due to abuse, we can't really whitelist it.

Please white list

I try to intrinio module which use this api that is documented.

Would it be possible to add to the whitelist?

The documentation for the publicly available data can be found here:

Thank you for your consideration.

@vinus -- I've whitelisted

@acf2016 -- was already on the whitelist -- I see that they also have API endpoints on If there are any other subdomains of that site that need whitelisting, could you give us a link to the part of the documentation where they list them?

I'm glad to hear intrinio & barchart are both already whitelisted websites.

For barchart, I specifically need added to the whitelist.

In the documentation below, it states we need the marketdata address and not the ondemand one.


That's already on the whitelist.

Would it be possible to add the DonReach Social Counts API to your whitelist? The API documentation is here: The API is served from

And also can you add the Mozscape API to your whitelist.? The API documentation is at: The API is served from:

Sure! Those are whitelisted now.

Thanks for responding to my request to add the DonReach Social Counts API to your whitelist. I discovered that the domain that I sent you ( that is mentioned in the documentation is used for paid accounts only and I am starting out by using a free account at you add this domain also?

As before, the API documentation is here:

Thanks again for your help. Sorry that I overlooked this in my original request. I love Python Anywhere!

That documentation page does not mention the endpoint. Where is the documentation that mentions the endpoint?

Screenshot of DonReach API key that shows domain The documentation for the free endpoint is exactly the same as that of the paid. That documentation doesn't mention the free endpoint. But you can see from the attached screenshot that DonReach points our free API key to that endpoint. Here is the page that shows the plans. Signing up for the free plan will bring you to the screen just like the one we're showing you. Sorry for the trouble.

We can't see the screenshot. Which may be a good thing if you're posting pictures of API keys. If you're going to try again, make sure to mask any private info.

If I right-click the words "screenshot of DonReach API" in my request above, and then open the image in a new tab, I can see it. So I'm think you should be able to see it that way.

It's a public file on my google drive. (I already masked the API key)

If I right-click the words "screenshot of DonReach API" in my request above, and then open the image in a new tab, I can see it. So I'm thinking you should be able to see it that way.

It's a public file on my google drive. (I already masked the API key)

Ok. It's a bit of a reach calling something that you have to log in to see "public", but I have added that to the whitelist.

Thank you!

Hello, Would it be possible to put this website in the whitelist? The API documentation is on : Many thanks.

Okay- we've added to the whitelist for you!

Thank you so much!

Thank you so much!

Hello, is it possible to add Binance ?

Website: Documentation:


It's already on the whitelist.

Well, im still getting this error: (Caused by ProxyError('Cannot connect to proxy. ', OSError('Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden',)))

maybe there are other limitation like the response size or anything ? where can i see the whole whitelist ?

What is the url that you are trying to access? And is it over http/https or some other protocol?

im using an unofficial Binance api wrapper, so its "Https".


Im using an unofficial Binance api wrapper, so its "Https".


Are you trying to git clone That should work.

If the particular url that that wrapper ( accesses is a valid api endpoint, then show us the API documentation saying that binance is okay with you hitting that api endpoint, and we will add it to the whitelist.

Greetings, could you whitelist this API endpoint? Here is the documentation.


Sure! That's whitelisted now.

Hi team , Can you add this API on the whitelist please documentations and terms


Sure! That's whitelisted now.

Hi team again , can you add too for documentation =>

Many thanks

Is there somewhere on the site where they say that the official domain for accessing it is I couldn't find anything.

you can find it in "" ARTICLE 1. DEFINITIONS "DOMAIN" and "PUBLIC SPACE"

you can find it in "" ARTICLE 1. DEFINITIONS "DOMAIN" and "PUBLIC SPACE"

Thanks. It's kind of hard to parse the legalese there, but I think they're saying that all subdomains of are supported APIs. So I've whitelisted them all.

Many thanks Giles

No problem!

Hi there! Could you whitelist this site It's API is here Also there is the first version of API with comments.

Hi there! Could you whitelist this site Its API is here Also there is the first version of API with comments.

Hello, can you please add this rss( in whitelist. This is just a rss from news site.

hi there- unfortunately we need to see that site show api documentation where they show a particular api endpoint is available for programmatic access before we whitelist it. In the first version of API ( full documentation is placed.

Okay- we have whitelisted for you.

Thank you so much

This is rules about using site and rss (3.3 about RSS). Many thanks!

Hi there -- could you give a little more detail? Unfortunately as far as I can tell (which isn't very far -- Google Translate isn't giving me a very good translation of that page) the clause relates to RSS feeds that users create, rather than access to their own RSS feeds.

Can you perhaps whitelist for duckduckpy( I believe the URL is (?) It would be a great help.


I think we already whitelist all subdomains of, so that should work already...?

Hello, can you please add to the whitelist. It is an API to consult cars in australia.

Could you give us a link to the official API documentation?

Could you please add to the whitelist. Official API documentation is available at Thanks!

No problem. We've added that to the whitelist.

Hi! Could you please add to the whitelist. Official API documentation is available at Thanks!

No problem. We've added that to the whitelist.

Could you add to the whitelist?

The api documentation is


No problem. I've added that to the whitelist.

Hey everyone. Could you please add BitcoinTrade to the whitelist? Specially this endpoint: The official API documentation is: This API is pretty much like that you guys already added to the whitelist, however this is really useful for us here in Brazil, because it contains data in our currency.

Thanks a lot!


Is it possible to add gfycat api to the whitelist ? The official docs are here and their api endpoints are at

Sure! Those are both whitelisted now. @exchangesservice, sorry for the super-slow turnaround!


Could you add to the whitelist? The official documentation is :

thank you! :)

Sure- we have added to the whitelist for you!

could you add '' to the whitelist? documentation at Thanks.

Sure- we have added to the whitelist for you.

could you add '' to the whitelist. The documentation for the same can be found at

Ok. I have added that to the whitelist.

Ahh I started a new topic, but I see there's already topic to get sites whitelisted :)

The documentation can be found here:

I've responded in your other thread.

Could you add '' to the whitelist. The documentation for the same can be found at

Sure, that's whitelisted now.

Hello. The white list for free users has a domain, but there is no, it also refers to their api. Add it too please.

Could you send us a link to the appropriate section of their API docs? It's OK if the documentation is not in English, Google Translate is pretty good these days.

Please add to whitelist:


Document URL:

Full error:

requests.exceptions.ProxyError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /v1.0/myorg/groups (Caused by ProxyError('Cannot connect to proxy.', OSError('Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden',)))

Thanks, we have added to the whitelist for you!

Hi Conrad,

Thanks. Almost there. I need you to enable this for me:

* 443 HTTPS

My powerbi real-time data subscription was blocked.

Reference: Data Source URLs

Hi- we actually do not whitelist wildcard '*'s. Also we do not whitelist non-standard ports. You will have to upgrade to access that.

Hi Conrad, Can you whitelist This is the api documentation:

Thanks! is already on the whitelist. You can see what is on the whitelist here.

Can you add ?

it's possible to add: to the white list? a sort of query guide can be found here: Thank you very much

No- we only add endpoints where the endpoint owner has posted explicit API documentation allowing the public to access it programmatically.

Hello! Would it be possible to whitelist this API? (docs)

I've been getting the following error so I think it's a whitelist issue.

HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /v1/cases/?search=prepare&full_case=true&page_size=1&body_format=html (Caused by ProxyError('Cannot connect to proxy.', OSError('Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden')))

Send us a link to the API documentation that indicates the URL for the API and we'll consider it for inclusion in the whitelist.

Glenn, thank you.

The first section "Getting started" ( has a link "Browse the API" that leads to the API at

The section "Endpoints" ( also has a header "API Base" with a link leading to the API at

No problem. I've added that to the whitelist.

Good Afternoon,

Could you please add to the whitelist.


Ok. I have added that to the whitelist.


I have a django application that uses a web scraper to grab data by logging into a site with the url and then taking data from the page that you get redirected to (using robobrowser). When I go to my webpage though I get this error:

ProxyError at /

HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /nacka/jsp/Login.jsp (Caused by ProxyError('Cannot connect to proxy.', OSError('Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden',)))

Can this be fixed?

You would not be able to do this with a free account, unless you are not scraping the site and the site has an api that allows people to access it.


Could you please add to the whitelist.

Thanks and Regards,

Diwakar G

Could you give us a link to the official API documentation?

Please find the link for API documentation.

In references section API details for individual is given. Attaching the sample image for your reference.

API details

Thanks for that -- the site is now whitelisted.

Hi there! Can you whitelist WorldWeatherOnline? Thanks! Docs:

Ok. I have added to the whitelist.

Hi, is it possible to add this site please? The API documentation it's here: Thank you very much

Hi there~ I also have trouble with 403 error because of Proxyyyyyy setting. so Can you insert whitelist apt2you. This Site is korea real estate info site. I want to get some real estate info from this site. Thank you so much.

Hi there~ I also have trouble with 403 error because of Proxyyyyyy setting. so Can you insert whitelist apt2you. This Site is korea real estate info site. I want to get some real estate info from this site. Thank you so much.

@asterix12345: I have added that to the whitelist. @kimsuper: Send us a link to the API documentation and we'll consider it for inclusion in the whitelist.

Hello!) You can add to the white list to know weather Изменить

Hello!) You can add to the white list to know weather Изменить

Send us a link to the API documentation that shows the URL for the API and we'll consider it for the whitelist.

on this site on the API, what to do? you can not add it?

If the site does not have public API documentation, then we cannot add it to the whitelist.

IHi, is it possible to add this api please, is a payment gateway from Coombia ?

The API documentation it's here:

Thank you very much

No problem. That's on the whitelist now.

Hello. Could you add "" to the whitelist? Here is the API documentation ( Thank you very much. =]

That looks like documentation for a library, not for an online API. If there is some sort of online API documentation that indicates the URL for the API, send us a link to it and we'll consider it for the whitelist.

Thank you very much for your reply, Glenn. Here comes a new API documentation ( for your reference.

That looks like an API that is designed to be used from Javascript in the browser, so the whitelist will have no effect on it.

Thank you very much, Glenn.

Hi! Can you add to whitelist please?

Send us a link to the API documentation that shows the URL for the API and we'll consider it for the whitelist.

hi ! I notice that is on your whitelist but if I use https instead of http it does'nt work.. can you please allow us to use https with Thanks!

we allow both https and http. what is the error that you see when you use https?

Hi! Could you whitelist this site -> please? It has not API, so I had to parse it for my project.

If it does not have public API documentation then we cannot add it to the whitelist.

And how can I get data from this site?

If it's not a public API, we can't whitelist it, which means you can't access it from a free account on PythonAnywhere :-(

Hi! I'd like to use XML structured meteo data from public wheather agency available at:

basic meteo data: documentation at:

air pollution: The documentation is available on this link: which is located on this site:

Also, could you please add this API to whitelist:

available at Open Notify API Server (

Many thanks!

No problem. I've added those to the whitelist.


No problem. I've added that to the whitelist.

Hi! Could these two APIs be whitelisted, please:

"" (moon phase data) "" (sunrise, sunset data)

Documentation at: "" (moon) "" (sun)


for the moon documentation, that page does not load. It seems like is already on the whitelist.

Hi! I've checked the moon api on my computer and it works fine if you put data in url, i.e.:

date=03/19/2019 coords=46.06N,14.51E tz=1 (tz stands for timezone),14.51E&tz=1

Could you please try again with input data? Thanks a lot!

no, unfortunately you will have to show us the api documentation, not the api.

Conrad, no problem. The corresponding API documentation can be found at: "" (API URL, tutorial, examples and JSON notes) You will find it under the title: Complete Sun and Moon Data for One Day


No problem. I've added to the whitelist.

Could you please add to the whitelisted APIs for free users, it is an API for mobile money payments here in Uganda. The link to their documentation is

Sure! That's whitelisted now.

Thanks, this is impressive

Could you please add API for free users to obtain tickets.There is their link to documentation

Sure, we have added to the whitelist.

I have been using telethon for the last year and it has been extremely helpful. It doesn't seem to be listed in the whilt list.

This is their API documentation link

I have been using telethon for the last year and it has been extremely helpful. It doesn't seem to be listed in the whilt list.

This is their API documentation link

Telegram is already on the whitelist. You need to configure telethon to use the proxy (if it supports that). Check the documentation for how to do that. If it does not support proxies, then perhaps you can contact the developers about that. The proxy details are here:

Hi, Can you please add these two apis ->

They are both the same and we need a link to the documentation.

Hi glenn, Please add these two links -> 1. 2.

Thanks in advance

No problem. I've added those to the whitelist.

Hello there, please add to the whitelist. Thanks in advance

No problem. I've added that to the whitelist.

I've got a nerdy whitelist submission for the game clash of clans

If you need more specific endpoints here are the base ones, though there is some nesting below these as well


all the info for the api endpoints can be found here (though sadly needs a registration to see)

Would this be possible? Thanks! should already be on the whitelist- are you having any problems accessing it?

Ok, This was my problem. I was mistaken about what IP address my website was using. Cleared that up and all the issues went away! Thank you for the quick response!

Ok, This was my problem. I was mistaken about what IP address my website was using. Cleared that up and all the issues went away! Thank you for the quick response!

Hello, can you add " to the whitelist. It is just a news website. I'm just trying to prepare my dataset for educational purpose

Only APIs are allowed; I don't think you'll be able to get that site on the list.

can this site be added?


If you post the URL to the API's documentation, then the devs can add it

where can you find that?

I went to and it doesn't seem to have an api. see this

ok, thaks, sure, looks like a fairly commercial exchange rate site

guess I could do a manual version of the code I posted, though really that would just be a glorified calculator

i need to go to bed now. you're now gonna have to get help from the devs. according to this, the staff don't help much.

i now kinda regret posting that

ok, cool, thanks again!

@MadMartin -- dull is right, we can only whitelist official public APIs. If you can find some API documentation on their site, then post a link here and we'll take a look. But if it's an unofficial API, or just a regular web page that you want to scrape, then we won't be able to add it.

ok, sure , thanks

Hello here, may you kindly add to the whitelist. their documentation is at

Sure! That's whitelisted now.

Hi, is there any chance you can add to the whitelist. It is full of real time bitcoin data and predictions that I am using in a program. Thank You, Julian

We can whitelist websites if they provide an official public API. Does that site have one? If so, could you send us a link to the API docs?

Hi admin, please kindly help me add* to whitelist This is api doc:

Could you give us a link to the page of the docs that mentions the specific servers that are part of the API?

would you kindly add

The link to their public documentation is at

Sure -- from those docs, it looks like the API is all on, so we've whitelisted that hostname.

Please add to the white list. I opened a forum and I send in a request also. This is the forum I started, but then I found this.

It doesn't have an API, but I noticed is white listed. and are the same thing. Both are part of NOAA. If you go to you can see the link for and NOAA on the top left corner.

Also, I'm using Leaflet and OpenStreetMap to generate the map, so those might need to be white listed also. I would think they're already white listed since they have APIs.

Please click on the image for the picture.


Unfortunately we can only whitelist sites with an official, documented public API. does not have an API, so does some of the sites in your whitelist.  I mean, if doesn't have an API, should it be blacklisted according to your own rules?  

Plus, on the forums there are examples of making exception to sites that doesn't have an API, so I'm not sure why can't be whitelisted. I'm not sure why you're making exception for some users!

I think have this rest API.  Now can you add it?  It says they pull info from  

"Most reports are pulled from, the official source for aviation weather for pilots in the US, but support exists for additional sources on a regional basis. Station information is compiled from OurAirports"

It looks like is already on the whitelist.

You're right, I just saw that. But if I'm going to use avwx that means I have to modify my whole python script.

Hi team can you please add "" as whitelisted API

Ok. I have added that to the whitelist.

Hi, could it be possible to add to whitelist? (it's sister, is already there). Api doc:

Sure! It looks like their API is on, so we've whitelisted that.

Hi Team, -> This API has to be whitelisted.

Send us a link to the API documentation and we'll consider it for the whitelist.

Hello guys, could you whitelist python-crisp-api please ? and crisp api in general

Ok, it's done.

Hi! Could you kindly add the rsbuddy API to the whitelist, or in particular

Their API is usually here: but I haven't been able to access it

Thank you!

hmm, you are right- can't seem to access the api docs. let's see if it comes back online later

I still can't seem to get to it. But do you think it'd be possible to just have the accessible through python anywhere? It's the only page I need for the project and it's accessible.

If it does anything for the cause, I've been following this guide as documentation:

hmm is there anything from that talks about having an api that they make available to the public? If they don't make it available to the public then we don't put it on the whitelist.

Please add the following API to the White list: API document: API link:

Sure, we've added to the whitelist for you. But keep in mind this is just a limitation for free users. I see that you are currently a paying user, so this would not affect you.

Hi. I'm building a tweet analysis project and need to unshorten few links in the tweets. But not able to open the links using urllib.request.urlopen(str(url))

Example Link:

Is it possible to whitelist "" for Free account?

but after it unshortens it, you would still need to access twitter and get the post details? or does twitter already have an api for that?

Could I get whitelisted?

Send us a link to the API documentation and we'll consider it for the whitelist.

Hi, could you add to the whitelist please. Doc:

It's done, no problem.

Hi support, can you please consider whitelisting the following, a smart debit terminal from Clover, a First Data company.

I am getting HTTPSConnectionPool error. are added to the whitelist.

Can you consider adding all sandbox api as well?

need final testing on all functionlities

what are the sandbox api's?

Hi, please could you add to whitelist, docs: Thanks!

Sure, we have added to the whitelist.

Hi, please could you add Aliexpress API whitelist Here is the documentation for it


I've whitelisted, which is the hostname documented on that page. If there are any other hostnames used by the API, could you give us a link to the page documenting those?

Hi PythonAnywhere staff,

could you please consider adding to the whitelist? (API docs:


That documentation page does not seem to mention at all.

could you please whitelist

the link to the documentation is

please add below in whitelist, it's timeout everytime i access and

If you're hitting your own site from itself, it will always time out for a free account. Your site has only one worker, which is being used for the first request, when the second request (the one you made from your web app code) comes in, there is no worker to handle it.

ummm... total noob here but i need to use pinterest's "" thingy from where i get my remote pictures. I dk much about API cuz like i said i am a noob, the closest i got might be this

ummm... total noob here but i need to use pinterest's "" thingy from where i get my remote pictures. I dk much about API cuz like i said i am a noob, the closest i got might be this

hi, i see that is something that is returned as a response after hitting an api, but I don't see anywhere in the docs that say that is an api endpoint?

Can you share a working example for pythonanywhere that implements a connection to Cloudmqtt?

responded to you here

Hello, I cannot access the binance stream (wss:// for example), I can only access it via the api.binance links, which doesn't contain the functionality I needed.

Can you consider it eligible for the whitelist? Here's the documentation for the request above:

Free accounts can only use htttp/https even for whitelisted sites.

Could you please add: *

We can only whitelist sites if they have an official public API, so please post a link to the documentation if you want us to add something.

Heyy can you add * in the whitelist. Documentation link:

We can whitelist specific sites so long as they provide an official public API; covers a lot of sites, some of which may provide APIs and some of which do not. If there is a specific subdomain of that domain that does provide an official API, then send us a link to the API docs for that subdomain and we'll look into whitelisting it.

Hey! Can you whitelist Telegram API IPs?

That page looks more like a reverse-engineered API document -- is there something official on the Telegram site that we could see?

Official? Telegram provides each user with the so-called app ( "Api development tools" and At, the user gets his key and Production configuration from the range to connect via MTProto servers (docs https: //core.telegram .org / mtproto) Thats all

We already have and whitelisted, so you can use http access to telegram. MTProto for telegram will not work from a free account (because it's not http)

Can you add api's to a whitelist:

They have all official documentation.

@Atostogos so please provide us with the docs!

Dear PythonAnywhere Team,

I have developed an API that efficiently scrapes data from the following link: The API returns the data in JSON format.

To ensure seamless functionality, I kindly request you to add to the whitelist.

Thank you for your attention and assistance. <br><br> Best regards,


@jhenilparihar You'll find all the instructions for requesting allowlist additions here. Follow them.