
Webapp still runs even though I deleted it

I had a webapp that hosted a telegram bot. I deleted it, and I can see i have no processes running on my account, but the bot still works and responds to me. Any idea how this could be possible?

I can't see anything running in your account "tanihu1" on PythonAnywhere; perhaps it's running on your local machine, or in a separate PythonAnywhere account?

No.. only running on my python anywhere account..

I also cant see anything at

Yet my bot still functions.. I only managed to stop it when I revoked my the api token. But I still cant understand what made it ran until then.

If you have code that is run at import time that just enters an infinite loop, then your web app will never be able to start, but the code will continue running.

That actually might be it. I'll try to work on that tomorrow and update here (for the 0 people who care haha)