
OSError: Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden

I want to run a daily task that gets some small .json files and uses them to update a .txt file in my folder. To do this I use a wrapper library for the API I am accessing (brawlstats).

Running the task I get the error:

OSError: Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden

As well as

urllib3.exceptions.MaxRetryError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /v1/leaderboards/players?count=200&brawler=shelly (Caused by ProxyError('Cannot connect to proxy.', OSError('Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden')))

I'd like to know how I could run daily tasks with outbound internet usage? Would it work if I bought a premium membership?

A paid account can be used to access any website, but there is a whitelist of APIs that can be accessed from free accounts. The PythonAnywhere devs can add any requested API to the whitelist. You must also provide a link to the API's documentation to request it.

+1 to what @dull says -- @brawlrank, if that's a documented public API that you're trying access, just send us a link to the API docs and we'll add it to the whitelist.

From my pythonAnywhere app I send a get request to a external webserver and in the console i get following error message, see below. Sending the same request in my mozilla forefox webbrowser I get a JSON response. Can you add the url to your pythonAnywhere white-list or do I need a paid account? Mayn thanks for your help. Fred59

Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/Fred59status/mysite/", line 41, in <module> response_status = requests.get(urlAPI + order_id) # raise OSError("Tunnel connection failed: %d %s" % (code, OSError: Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden File "/usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/requests/", line 75, in get return request('get', url, params=params, kwargs) File "/usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/requests/", line 60, in request return session.request(method=method, url=url, kwargs) File "/usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/requests/", line 533, in request resp = self.send(prep, send_kwargs) File "/usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/requests/", line 646, in send r = adapter.send(request, kwargs) File "/usr/lib/python3.8/site-packages/requests/", line 510, in send raise ProxyError(e, request=request) requests.exceptions.ProxyError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /scripts/get_order_data.php?api_key=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX &order_id=200496459 (Caused by ProxyError('Cannot connect to proxy.', OSError('Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden')))

if you can show us public api documentation, then we can add it to the whitelist. Otherwise you may need to get a paid account.

Hi there!

Could you put url of Mitre TAXII API in PA Proxy Whitelist?

I'm getting this proxy error:

HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /stix/collections/95ecc380-afe9-11e4-9b6c-751b66dd541e/ (Caused by ProxyError('Cannot connect to proxy.', OSError('Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden',)))

It's the Mitre service (Taxii), about cybersecurity

Link to *Public documentations about Mitre Taxii Service: *

No problem. I've added that to the whitelist.

Hi there Could you please add the url "" "" to the whitelist..

We can only whitelist sites with an official public API -- if that site has one, could you post a link to the API documentation? Ok...what about this...

Sure, I've whitelisted the host described on that page,

can you whitelist ''

We can only whitelist sites with an official public API -- if that site has one, could you post a link to the API documentation?

Please! Can you add to whitelist
Error: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=8273): Max retries exceeded with url: /token/ (Caused by ProxyError('Cannot connect to proxy.', OSError('Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden',)))

It doesn't look like that will work, since that API appears to use a non-standard port. Free accounts can only connect out on ports 80 and 443 (the standard http and https ports), so adding that to the whitelist would have no effect.

if I switch to Hacker I be able to use request HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=8273) without errors ?

Yes, if the errors you're getting are because it cannot connect to the site.

How quickly will my website work if I pay now and do I need to change something in the settings?

When you upgrade you need to restart consoles, web apps, etc. for it to take effect

Is it possible to whitelist my bot’s website so that I can use my API or do I need to make documentation?

When we whitelist a site, it's whitelisted for all free users (including people using the console on the front page of, not just for one account. So your bot would need to offer a general public API that people could use before we could whitelist it.

Please! Can you add to whitelist requests.exceptions.ProxyError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /json/ (Caused by ProxyError('Cannot connect to proxy.', OSErr or('Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden'))) - official Rest API Doc Thank you

Sure! That's whitelisted now.

Can I ask you to add this API to the list?

And one more:

No problem,

were added to the whitelist

Thank you. Eeverything works fine.

Thanks for confirming!

please add too

It's done

Will you please add "" to the whitelist?

We've already added that in response to your email.

please add this

Hello Sir, Can you please add "" to whitelist. I am getting the following error: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /v1/queues/46510/upload (Caused by ProxyError('Cannot connect to proxy.', OSError('Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden')))

Sure, we have added to the whitelist.

@stonieplus please provide the api documentation if you want the url to be considered for our whitelist.

Thanks Sir! :)

please add this to whitelist "" api doc

No problem. I have added that to the whitelist.

Hi, I'm having the same trouble here. Something like "OSError: Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden" It'd nice if you could add this page to the whitelist. I'm not very into programming stuff, just learning, so I don't know what the API of this page is, but at least I can give you the page, it's a page from an argentinian university, so I think it's nothing malicious. The page is . Thanks.

I don't see any reference to an API on that page, so it's probably not a candidate for the whitelist.

Hi, I think I may having the same problem. My apps gets some data from UNIDATA (, via siphon library, and I get the same error : Max retries exceeded with url: /thredds/catalog.xml (Caused by ProxyError('Cannot connect to proxy.', OSError('Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden')))

Siphon API documentation:

Would it be possible to add this site to the whitelist? I am using a free account, and it's for learning purposes Kind Regards, Guillermo.

Is there a page on itself that says that the site is an official public API of some kind? Or alternatively, a link from there saying that is something that they themselves maintain?

thanks, Maybe this is what you are asking? Kind regards, Guillermo

Hi! Can you guys please add Carris to the whitelist? It is Lisbon, Portugal bus provider.

API: Documentation:

sure, we have added to the whitelist for you.

@gguevara we would need something on not

Pls can you add to whitelist.. Or If I taks hacker subscription so that i can access it through python

Pls can you add to whitelist.. Or If I taks hacker subscription so that i can access it through python and

We can only add sites if they have official public APIs; we've already whitelisted Flipkart and Bitly's APIs; the domains you list aren't part of those APIs.

Paid accounts have unrestricted Internet access and can access sites that are not on the whitelist.

if they are whitelisted but still i get error 403 so after taking pythonanywhere hacker subscription ca i access it? pls reply

if they are not part of apis so after subscription can i access it ?

If you upgrade to a paying account, we do not limit your outbound internet connections. However, if you are trying to say scrape a site, that site can still choose to block you even though we don't do anything on our end.

If we already have the api on our whitelist and you are getting a 403, then you should probably try to fix it from a free account first.

Hello, could you please add to whitelist. His Api doc was . Thank you

That does not look like API documentation to me (it just looks like the front page of a service) and I couldn't see anything that looked like it would link to API documentation.

Hello, could you please add to whitelist. It just a website that offer cloud storage. I don't know if his Api doc was Thank you

Hello, dear admins. May I ask you to whitelist url please? API: This site generates random faces, and I wrote a bot that adds them to instagram so that later they can be used for AI training.

But I am getting error: requests.exceptions.ProxyError: HTTPSConnectionPool (host = '', port = 443): Max retries exceeded with url: / image (Caused by ProxyError ('Cannot connect to proxy.', OSError ('Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden ')))

Everything works fine on my computer

Hello, could you please add to whitelist. It just a website that offer cloud storage. I don't know if his Api doc was Thank you

Hello guys o/ Is it possible to add to your whitelist?


it's DHL's parcels tracking API :)

@tboard -- we can only whitelist sites if they have an official public API, so if that site has one you'll need to give us a link to the API docs. If it doesn't have an API, we can't whitelist it.

@supervit -- the API needs to be an official public one, and that is just a github repository where someone has created an unofficial API.

@goldfingers95 -- sure! The docs you link to say that the API is at, so we've whitelisted that.

Thank you Admin. As for the I asked you to add to whitelist. This is what I got from the blomp agent.

For the most part, the Blomp API is the Openstack Swift API:


What we really need is a link to some page on specifying what the API is, and what hostname it uses.

Many requests have been made for to be whitelisted.I have the same request.But like the others,I don't have the API. Is there any way to work with this website without a problem?

If the site does not have a publicly documented API, then we cannot add it to the whitelist. If you want to scrape the site, you will need a paid account.

Hi Guys, can you please add to the whitelist please?

The URL for that API is based on your account name, so it's not something that is a candidate for the whitelist.


@fabvitor please provide the api documentation if you want the url to be considered for our whitelist.

I guessed I have problem with whitelisting for

Documentation ''

I have a demo tomorrow Could you please helpme out

Also following API :

Could this be whitelisted?

No problem. I have added and to the whitelist.

Hi! Would it be possible to whitelist ?

And would this be enough for a documentation?:

Thank you.

Yes, I've just added to our whitelist for you.

Can you add "" in whitelist ?

Can you add these websites in whilelist ? "" , "", "", "" is already whitelisted

I added

For and we need docs.

i dont get it which types of docs you are talking about?

Official api docs that mention endpoints.

Hello Sir, Can you please add "" to whitelist. I am getting the following error: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /StockInfo/ShowK_ChartF low.asp?RPT_CAT=PER&STOCK_ID=8473&CHT_CAT=MONTH (Caused by ProxyError('Cannot connect to proxy.', OSError('Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden')))

We can only whitelist sites with an official public API -- if that site has one, could you post a link to the API documentation?

requests.exceptions.ProxyError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /....../api/dashboards?page=1 (Cause d by ProxyError('Cannot connect to proxy.', OSError('Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden'))) Execution took: 0:00:00 secs (Wall clock time)

Please add this to whitelist


Send us a link to the API documentation and we'll consider it for the whitelist.

Hello, can you please add the Roblox APIs, the FunCaptcha API and Discord webhooks? (not a public API, but has docs here!/v1!/v1

The discord API is already on the whitelist and non-public APIs are not eligible for the whitelist. I have added all the documented roblox endpoints to the whitelist.

Hello, Can the incoming webhooks be whitelisted for mattermost? It's being documented here:

Thank you

Incoming webhooks do not need to be whitelisted. The whitelist is for outgoing connections.

Hello, I have a problem sending requests to Is it whitelisted or there is some problem? Thank you

It's not whitelisted. We are happy to whitelist any public, open, documented API. Could you point us to the docs of the endpoint you want to use?

Hey there, can you add the Notion unofficial API to the whitelist? GitHub:

I always get this error and think this will solve it:

requests.exceptions.ProxyError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /api/v3/loadUserContent (Caused by ProxyError('Cannot connect to proxy.', OSError('Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden')))

Thanks in advance!

[edited by admin: formatting]

Hi, unfortunately no, we don't whitelist unofficial APIs.

The thing is, there is no official API from Notion right now and I have a project where I need to fetch data from Notion to create charts from the values and this is the only interface I can use for this. It's a completely public code, I've sent it. It's just unofficial because there is no official one. It would be awesome if you would whitelist it, it's a common tool which many use and it would be very helpful. If not, do you got a recommendation where I can deploy my flask application then? Thanks.

We gladly whitelist any public API which is documented. Free accounts are restricted to the whitelist but paid accounts on PythonAnywhere can access other sites as well.

Hello, could you please add to whitelist... Thank you

Hello, could you please add to whitelist... Thank you

We gladly whitelist any public API which is documented. Free accounts are restricted to the whitelist but paid accounts on PythonAnywhere can access other sites as well.

Hello, would you be able to add the Horizon API so that I can interact with the Stellar network? Here are the docs:


Thank you.

Both of those sites are already on the whitelist.

Hello, would you be able to add the WAVES and PARIBU API so that I can interact with the waves and paribu network? Here are the docs:

Thank you.

Waves is added. For paribu I do not see the docs.

Hello, would you be able to add the ABBSmartSensor and Ubidots API Docs:



No problem. I have added those to the whitelist.

would you please add this API to whitelist thank you!

would you please add this API:

thank you

hi there, going to the site doesn't show us a documentation page, whereas the previously link does, but it is not on the correct domain name

Could you please add to the whitelist:

Thank you :)

@nenow79 We gladly whitelist any public API which is documented. Free accounts are restricted to the whitelist but paid accounts on PythonAnywhere can access other sites as well.

page documentation: aditional information

Note: You already accepted to whitelist mirror page:, therefore hopefully you could accept as well thank you in advance for your kindly support

Thanks for the link! That's whitelisted now.

Hello, would you be able to add this API to the whitelist:


And this one please :


No problem, we've added requested endpoints to our whitelist, @icetin.

I appreciate it. @pafk

Hello, can you please add this API to the whitelist:


Thank you

It looks like the API is hosted at, so we've added that to the whitelist now.

Sorry, my bad. Thank you @giles

Hi guys!

Could you please whitelist this API:


Thanks in advance

@EMtwitterBot It's done for you


Could you whitelist this API (Swedish language parser):


Many thanks!

Sure, no problem -- that's whitelisted now.

please add

We already have on the whitelist. If they also have an API at, could you send us a link to the part of the API documentation where they mention it?


Could you please add to whitelist

Thank you!!

We already have and on the whitelist; we only whitelist API addresses, not other pages on websites.

Hi! Could you please add to whitelist

Sure! That's done now.

Hi could you please add to whitelist

It's a msg send api for kakao talk, a No.1 dominant messenger app in Korea, and api is provided by LG CNS, a SW focused group of LG.

I got API documentation as an EXCEL file and if you need it I can send it to you.

Thank you !!!

Hi @HaniChang -- could you provide us with official documentation for that endpoint?

Ok @pafk How can I send the EXCEL file I have? Any email address?

The documentation has to be available publicly. It can't be an excel file on your local machine.

@fjl I am not sure if I can find public api documentation for this api... But below are related documentation/website for the api I am using. The main service is Kakao Talk and the very API itself is provided by 3rd party company(LG CNS)

Hope the links above are sufficient... cuz I really need to use this API


We need documentation on the site. Generic documentation for software that the site happens to be running is not sufficient.

@glenn Ok then I will ask them if they can provide me with anything like that... If that is not the case, I have to upgrade to paid account right? Paid account can call any API then ? And can you provide me a link that contains the plans of paid account? Thanx!

Yes, a paid account can access the internet without going through the whitelist. The pricing is on your Account page.

@glenn Any paid account, like even 5usd one right?

@HaniChang yes

Can you please whitelist this I am using requests library to fetch college notices for students from my college website.

Send us link to the API documentation for the site and we'll consider it for the whitelist.

Hi there, I was wondering if I could access non-whitelisted URL's but making my site insecure. I am creating a program that check's the URL that the user types and sees what sites it redirects from. The user can type non-whitelisted URL's. Is this possible?

No. Free accounts cannot access non-whitelisted sites.

Hi, I am sorry for taking your time and superb job on prompt support for users!

Is it possible to whitelist this api, I didn't find the documentation. It's simple api that gets excel files for every month in given year that are listed with permanent links.

Hi @makythejaki -- could you provide us with API endpoint and official documentation hosted on the same domain?

Hello there

Can you whitelist please? It tracks COVID-19 in Canada and has public documentation.

Thank you!

@glenn I'm trying to get a Roblox image from its ID, but there isn't a documented way to do that, so I have to do web scraping instead through However, it's not added to the list, so I there's no way for me to accomplish this. Could you please add to the list?

@jdabtieu It's done.

@MmBaguette Send us link to the API documentation for the site and we'll consider it for the whitelist.

Hi there,

Could you please whitelist, I need it to get the travel time from two cities :C

Thank you!

@irexfo2 - could you provide us with API endpoint and official documentation hosted on the same domain?

I was using wazeroutecalculator but I cannot find an official documentation, so I switched to openrouteservice library. Here is the documentation Thank you! is already in the whitelist

Could you please add to the list? The documentation is on the site. Thank you!

Sure! That's done now.

Pleas add to white list!

We can whitelist sites if they have an official public API, so please post a link to the documentation if you want us to add something.

Pleas add plus to white list!

@supacopy -- all right, we've whitelisted for you.

@alidemir1 -- I've replied you already in a different thread (we need link to an official documentation providing public API enpoints to consider whitelisting a page).

Hi, can you please add:


@aaranguha We can only whitelist a site if it has an official public API. If that site has one, please post a link to the API documentation.

could you put please and to the whitelist? thanks

We can only whitelist sites if they have an official public API, so please post a link to the documentation if you want us to add something.

Could you please whitelist:


We can only whitelist sites if they have an official public API, so please post a link to the documentation if you want us to add something.

Woocommerce APIs? can it be whitelisted too?

That appears to be an API that specific other sites would implement; if you want to connect to a specific site that implements the WooCommerce API, we'll need to know what that site is.

can anyone add ( to whitelist ?

hi, that link does not work for us. Can you give us a link to publicly available documentation?

Hello , I am trying to pull data from Appsflyer ( mobile application tracking system ) but I am getting an error

raise MaxRetryError(_pool, url, error or ResponseError(cause)) urllib3.exceptions.MaxRetryError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: XYZ (Caused by ProxyError('Cannot connect to proxy.', OSError('Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden')))

API's documentation :

best, Mi3t3k

Sure, no problem -- I've added that to the whitelist and it should be active in a few minutes from now.

Hello, I am trying to get data from free API for Could you please add this api to whitelist?

Public API's documentation: (I found it only in slovak language)

Thanks! danmaj

How to establish credible relation between domain and docs hosted on

Inprop is the company behind site . It's one of their products. You can check it also on their web - section "Web Solution". I pasted here link for the english version of their website. Unfortunately, I can found API docs only in slovak version.

Hi @danmaj -- documentation you provided doesn't look like a public API. If you want to link to time tables on from your web app, you don't need to access it.

Hi @pafk

It surely is public. You can translate first header title of documentation from slovak to english. :)

Unless I am (or Google Translate is) misunderstanding that PDF, it appears to be about how to link to the website with tags like this:

<a href="átum&time=čas&direct=true" title="CP - Vyhľadanie spojení v informačnomsystéme cestovných poriadkov.">CP - Vyhľadanie spojení</a>

...which would not require the site to be whitelisted, as you can link to any site you like from your web pages.

Please can you add to whitelist? I am a newbie programmer and getting Tunnel 403 forbidden errors

@jainny, is already on our whitelist.

I am using a module spotdl to test spotify API. I am getting the following error

spotdl 'The Weeknd - Blinding Lights' --ignore-ffmpeg-version
Searching for song "The Weeknd - Blinding Lights"...
Couldn't read cache at: .cache
Couldn't write token to cache at: .cache
Couldn't read cache at: .cache
Couldn't write token to cache at: .cache
Couldn't read cache at: .cache
Couldn't write token to cache at: .cache
Couldn't read cache at: .cache
Couldn't write token to cache at: .cache
Searching for: The Weeknd - Blinding Lights
HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /The-weeknd-blinding-lights-lyrics (Caused by ProxyError('Cannot connect to proxy.', OSError('Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden')))

That looks like the problem is accessing Send us link to the API documentation for the site and we'll consider it for the whitelist.

This is the api link , the documenation link is already on the whitelist, but it looks like your code is going to, which is not on the whitelist and the documentation does not mention that as a valid API location. DOCUMENTATION OF spotdl. Please help me outtt. I don't know much about APIs and what the heck is this error. Please helpppp

If the library is using the wrong hostname, then the best thing to do would be to suggest to its maintainer to fix that -- we can't whitelist unofficial API hostnames.

Hello team,

could you please whitelist the URL

Thanks in advance.!!

Send us link to the API documentation for the site and we'll consider it for the whitelist.

Hello I am getting same errorHTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /Data/Filter%20Type.json (Caused by ProxyError('Cannot connect to proxy.', OSError('Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden'))). This api request is from verified firebase development app, to get realtime database from firebase app.

It looks like that has your username in it, so we cannot add it to the whitelist, because it will not be useful too other free users.

There is some sort of error from pythonanywhere's side. MODERATORS PLEASE FIX IT ASAP

What error? What do you want us to fix?

Not only me, even others are facing the below issue for many APIs...

ProxyError('Cannot connect to proxy.', OSError('Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden')))


We have a help page on that:

Hi, I have paid account of python anywhere yet I am unable to get request for

"", "" and ""

kindly help me with whitelisting these apis.

All I get is 403!!!!! 13$ all for 403!!!!!!

The whitelist does not affect paid accounts. If you are not running the code in a console that you've created since upgrading, try that. If you're still getting 403s, then they are coming from the site itself and there is nothing that we can do about it. Either you need to authenticate with the site correctly or they are blocking the access. Check the content ofg the 403s - there may be a clue there about how to gain access.

I have fixed the issue and happy to tell you now I can work with a great pythonanywhere setup. The provided apis required geo location specific ips only.

Thank you for your quick and prompt response. :)

Excellent, glad you got it working!

Hi, I have paid account of python anywhere yet I am unable to get request for

"", "" and ""

kindly help me what should I do?

Check what is coming back in the responses you get when you make requests to that site. Because you have a paid account, the requests are going through to it -- hopefully if you look at the responses they are sending back, you'll be able to find out what the problem is.

Hi, can you put the below to whitelist please?

@sajdutt Send us link to the API documentation for the site and we'll consider it for the whitelist.

Hi! Below is the api that calls the of the trading view (

There is no mention of on the page at

Hi Glenn! This is the only ‘api’ I could find as requested by fjl. However, the code repo I am running on your platform is below which generates the 403 error:

Actual error from the code repo above upon running:

HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /crypto/scan (Caused by ProxyError('Cannot connect to proxy.', OSError('Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden')))

If there is no public documentation that shows that the URL is for use in an API, then it is not a candidate for the whitelist.

Thanks Glenn! Here’s the public usage api:

That site does not look like it is affiliated with Is there a link on tradingview somewhere that says "here is our API documentation" and links to that site?

hi Glenn, could you add to the whitelist? I'm trying to download csv files from this website using urllib.request.urlretrieve() but encountered "OSError: Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden"

Send us a link to the API documentation for the site and we'll consider it for the whitelist - I just get an error message.

Thanks for your reply. The website where the links can be found is

To clarify, the links that I'm trying to access is not to an API. They are links to csv files. Could you consider them for the whitelist?

If there is not API documentation, then we cannot add it to the whitelist.

I see. Thanks for your advice. If I upgrade to paid version, is there access to web links to download files ?

Ye. Paid accounts have direct access to the internet and are not limited by the whitelist.

Hello guys Would you mind whitelisting this link? here is the link to their API many thanks for considering my request. is already whitelisted and is not mentioned in the docs.

Some commands require access to the, it's really going to be helpful if whitelisted it. Thank you

if you go to any* URL, you'll be redirected to the the domain.

We're happy to consider for whitelisting if you provide us with official documentation for that API.

I dont know if that is mentioned in their API, I am a student, and I just use this for practicing, organizing my school work, etc. Would you please tell me how to check for that in the notion's API? This is their API direct link, how could I check for that. Thank you

It looks like the API endpoint is as @fjl mentioned. I don't see in the documentation that you provided.

Please can u whitelist the domain. I am trying to use this. this is the api document( is already whitelisted and it's the only domain mentioned in the docs as far as I see.

Hello team could you please add "" to whitelist please. I need this for creating rest api. Thanks in advance

Send us a link to the API documentation for the site and we'll consider it for the whitelist.

Can you whitelist the tradestation and twilio api? is already on our whitelist.

Good morning, is there a chance that you can add to the list? The api provides live financial information.

I don't have any problems when I run the app locally in my computer. However, I am getting the following error:

HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /v6/finance/quote?symbols=AAPL%2CBTC-USD%2CEURUSD%3DX (Caused by ProxyError('Cannot connect to proxy.', OSError('Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden')))

If I was to pay for a membership would I get access to the API?

The relation between and has to be proven for us to whitelist it.

Hello, Can you add "" to whitelist please?

requests.exceptions.ProxyError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /reports/api/v2/weekly.pdf? ce=2021-10-01&until=2021-10-01 (Caused by ProxyError('Cannot connect to proxy.', OSError('Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden')))

Send us a link to the API documentation and we'll consider it for he whitelist.

Hi, this is the API documentation of "": You have on the whitelist but there is no on it. So, they have this message on their oficial documentation:

⚠️ Using the API from or will be dropped at The End of June 2021. Switch to

OK, we've added to the whitelist.

Hi, could you add '" and "" to the whitelist, please? is Kraków city public API to get public transport arrivals in real-time. is a wrapper over this API (sources are available here

We whitelist public APIs which are provide official documentation -- could you send us links to API docs?

Probably, there is no official documentation for "". When you need to make a request you just select what you need from UI and then copy the URL. has some info on how to use it on, so you may add only it (it has proxy to inside)

We need official docs to whitelist.


Can you add and

official docs:

it returns 403 proxy err everytime i hit

Requests.exceptions.ProxyError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /oauth2/token (Caused by ProxyError('Cannot connect to proxy.', OSError('Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden')))


@agustine It's done for you

hi, can you whitelist Please

Please provide us with official documentation mentioning the API endpoints you want to be whitelisted.

how to find that?

If a service exposes an API there should be a link to documentation or to the API section on their site.

Can you add this one: ?

@sarabegermy Send us link to official API documentation, please.

Here it is:

No problem. I have added to the whitelist.

I cant find the documentation.

If there is no documentation for an API, then we cannot add the site to the whitelist.

Hi PythonAnywhere staff,

Can you add I purchased an account and I still get Proxy Error OSError('Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden')

On the paid account it should not be a problem. How do you run your code?

I'm using (built-in module) to make a request to the API that I've linked above. Can you try to whitelist it nevertheless?

Sure, I've whitelisted But that should not affect your account, as it's a paid one. If it does start working, I recommend that you start a new console to run your code in -- that would imply that you're still running in a console with the old account settings, which would explain why it wasn't working until it was whitelisted.

If it doesn't start working, check the contents of the 403 response you're getting -- it's likely to be a "forbidden" message from the API you're connecting to, rather than something coming from our systems.

I think you got something wrong, since when I tried it now it worked without any additional interference on my side - that's why after you whitelisted the docs. Thanks.

Like I said, I think that's because you were still using a console that you'd started before you upgraded your account -- that would still have the old account settings. So you should start a new console, because otherwise you might still have problems connecting to other non-whitelisted sites.

Hello, is posible, add only one "'". Thank you.

I get a 404 not found error on that page.

Hi PythonAnywhere staff,

Can you add to the whitelist. I tried using requests.get and pandas.read_html to run daily tasks but I keep getting this error:

OSError: Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden urllib.error.URLError: urlopen error Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden

heres the link to the api: The end point I'm interested in is this:

According to that documentation, the coinmarketcap API is on and, so I have added those to the whitelist. is not an API endpoint.

Got it. One more question. If I upgraded my account, would I be able to run daily tasks on ? even as it is not an API endpoint

Yes, you would.

Hello, Can you add to the whitelist.

@trabelssi38 -- provide us with the official documentation for this API endpoint and we'll consider it for whitelisting.

Here it is:

No problem. I have added that to the whitelist.

Hi you can add this api ->' i need this service for a project:Than you

@marcosriarte Please provide us with official documentation mentioning the API endpoints you want to be whitelisted.

Would it be possible to add the Pixela API? The documentation is here:

No problem. I have added to the whitelist.

Hello! Can you add it to whitelist?

github is already whitelisted.

can you please add to wishlist

@YesItsAnotherAccount -- provide us with official API documentation with the endpoints you want to be whitelisted and we'll consider them for our list.

Can you please add in whitelist.

@abdulmuizz0903 -- provide us with official API documentation with the endpoints you want to be whitelisted and we'll consider them for our list.

API documentation of I want the whole website to be whitelisted.

is there a link from to


We need to see it.

I can't understand you can you clarify, you can see the link by visiting at bottom you will find link for developers click on it and then click on API.

That's the information we wanted. @abdulmuizz0903 It's done for you

It still show this error HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /bukhari:1 (Caused by ProxyError('Cannot connect to proxy.', OSError('Tunnel connectio n failed: 403 Forbidden')))

The documentation that you linked to indicated that the API is at, so that is what is on the whitelist.

But I am not using api of because of its bugs instead I am parsing data from it using web scraping please whitelist also.

@abdulmuizz0903 if you want to scrape, you need to upgrade to a paid plan.

hi there, can you help add "" too? Many thanks!

Send us a link to the API documentation and we'll consider it for the whitelist.

Here it is

That's documentation for a library that uses the API. We need documentation of the actual API on the robinhood site.

Hi, I don't think Robinhood has an official API, but this is the popular API that we use to interact with the Robinhood account.

If it's not an official API, we won't whitelist it.

Can you add ""? Thanks!

Send us a link to the API documentation and we'll consider it for the whitelist.

Hello, Please add this link '' to whitelist

Send us a link to the API documentation and we'll consider it for the whitelist.

This is the link : Please add it to the whitelist

That doesn't look like API documentation to me. That's a website that expects you to fill in some fields.

Dear, I know it is not API, but I want to add it to the whitelist to convert it to API, I hope you understand me and sorry I don't understand English very much .

If it's not an API, then we cannot add it to the whitelist.

Hello, can you add this link : to the whitelist

No problem. I have added that to the whitelist.

Thank you very much ❤️

Can you add this into the whitelist?

Sure, we've added to the whitelist.

Hello, can you add this link : to the whitelist

Hi, why is the ( telethon ) library not working?

Can you add this link to the whitelist please

@MrAbood Send us a link to the API documentation and we'll consider it for the whitelist.

Here is an example link :

We whitelist public open documented APIs. We need a link to official docs, not an example.

Hello, can you add this link : to the whitelist

and this is the link of the api : (Here is a link to a Tiktok video) &

@MrAbood3 We need a link to official docs to whitelist it.

This is the link to the official website :

Here is a link to a video download page :

This is the link to API :

This is a picture of the API posted on their website

Thanks -- that's whitelisted now.

Thank you

Hello, can you add the (forex_python) library to whitelist, please

@MrAbood again, send us a link to the API documentation -- something specifying what the hostname used is and documenting the API hosted there -- and we'll consider it for the whitelist.

Hi, could you please add tronscan to the whitelist?

main site:

api address:

api docs:

It is not super detailed but it is all they provide.

Many thanks!

No problem. I have added that to the whitelist.

Hi, could you please add xor to the whitelist? site main : api 1: api 2: ap 3:


@kevin21 It's done for you

Hello, could API be added to the whitelist. The documentation is available here: Thanks in advance, Radek

@rrrbbb -- no problem, we've whitelisted for you.

Hi, I'm getting the error:

urllib.error.URLError: <urlopen error Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden>

Which, I assume, is related to my call to the pgeocode API. Could you whitelist it for me? Here's the API doc Thanks!

We need docs with the endpoint mentioned.

What do you need that isn't on these pages:

We need to know what the hostname the API is running on is.

That said, it looks like you have a paid account -- you don't need sites whitelisted in order to use them. If you're getting a 403 error when accessing an API from a paid account, it's coming from the server that you're connecting to, not from our systems. A 403 error means "not authorized", so it's likely that you need to provide some kind of credentials.

I was on the free tier but I got impatient waiting - and $5/month really isn't a lot of money for the great service you provide. :)

However, I believe the hostname(s) information is based on this (from the docs):

Data sources are provided as a list in the pgeocode.DOWNLOAD_URL variable. The default value is,


Thanks for the kind words, I'm glad to hear that you like the site :-)

Also thanks for those hostnames -- I've added them to the whitelist, and they'll be live in about five minutes' time.

Hello, can you add Telethon library to the whitelist please

Telethon Documentation :

Library link in pypi :

Library link in GitHub :

We do not whitelist libraries, we whitelist domains. Send us a link to the API documentation -- something specifying what the hostname used is and documenting the API hosted there -- and we'll consider it for the whitelist.

Hi PythonAnywhere staff,

Can you add ? I have the paid version but I'm still using the old console so I don't want to go over the hassle to do it over again. Can you whitelist this domain?

No problem, we whitelisted it, but the console are ephemeral so it will be reloaded eventually.

Dear PythonAnywhere, can you please add the next API to the white list?:

I don't have a payed account. Could I still use it? Thank you!

Send us a link to the API documentation -- something specifying what the hostname used is and documenting the API hosted there -- and we'll consider it for the whitelist.

Sure, the link for the API documentation is this:

Unfortunately that takes us to a login page. If you can share credentials with us so that we can log in there and see the docs, we should be able to get it whitelisted. Probably best to send the credentials to, as I'm sure you won't want to post them publicly in these forums!

Dear PythonAnywhere, can you please add the following API to the white list?

And here is the public API documentation:

Thank you for your consideration

No problem. I have added that to the whitelist.

Dear Pythonanywhere team, Could you please whitelist below websites?


These are public websites and we want to scrape these for some information which is used for learning purposes.

Send us a link to the API documentation and we'll consider them for the whitelist.

Hello, can you add this link to the whitelist?

Link :

Send us a link to the API documentation and we'll consider them for the whitelist.

These are the docs links : and

That documentation says that the REST API is published on, so I have added that to the whitelist.

Hello, can you add both of these to the whitelist as well?

No problem. I have added those to the whitelist.

Hey can u add .. to witelist is added now.

Can you please add - to the whitelist? I see another URL for nseIndia but hitting that also results in the same error.

@615tester Send us a link to the API documentation and we'll consider them for the whitelist.

Can you please add to whitelist I am getting following error. requests.exceptions.ProxyError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /OpenAPI_File/files/OpenAPIScri pMaster.json (Caused by ProxyError('Cannot connect to proxy.', OSError('Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden')))

Send us a link to the API documentation and we'll consider it for the whitelist.

I am having the same issue, it appears that the API I'm using isn't on the whitelist, is it possible to add it?

Reed API:

Error message: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /api/1.0/search?keywords=junior+developer&locationName=london (Caused by ProxyError('Cannot connect to proxy.', OSError('Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden')))

Thanks for the suggestion! We've added to the whitelist and it should be active within about five minutes.

Thanks for the quick response - all working now

Excellent, thanks for confirming!

Help me :

WARNING:root:Error while getting '' WARNING:root:HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /@nearindonesia/feed (Caused by ProxyError('Cannot c onnect to proxy.', OSError('Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden')))

@b3lokkiri -- this is a help page for you.

Hi, I'm getting a similar error on my app.

EDIT: nevermind, I didn't reload my app after upgrading to premium; once I did, the error disappeared

Glad you figured that out!

can you please add

@ahmed01899 provide us with official documentation of the API endpoints you want to be whitelisted and we'll see what we can do.

here you go

Thanks -- we've whitelisted for you.

requests.exceptions.ProxyError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /02a6b2f52ec634d7534e2c83ee5bfbb6.300x300x1.jpg (Caused by ProxyError('Cannot connect to proxy.', OSError('Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden')))

i still get this error do u know how can i fix it?

Send us a link to the API documentation that mentions '' and we'll consider it for the whitelist.

Hi PythonAnywhere Staff! I am using a private API for my web app. If I upgrade my account to Hacker then do I still need to get permission/(or ask you to Whitelist my API) or there will be no need to ask for whitelisting after upgrading the account. Please do reply asap. Thanks

I you have a paid account, you have unrestricted access to the internet, so you will not need to request a whitelist addition.

Hi! I did a twitter bot (using tweepy) and I'm trying to use an API. I had the problem that I found here, and I would like to know if there is a chance to add this API. The link is here:

(Sorry for my bad English) Thank you so much!

@iaguirre It's done.

Great! Now it's working, thank you very much.

I have another problem.. this API uses images from Disney Wiki and I can't requests from there. There is not a solution for that, right?

Hi! Could you please also add IBM natural language understanding and speech to text service APIs? Here are the links:

Natural Language Understanding

The API for London would be:

Speech To Text:

The API for London would be:

Neither of those documentation pages mention the URLs that you've requested for the whitelist. Where is the documentation that indicates that those URLs are the ones to use?

You see the only difference is that the doc's urls are starting with and mine are starting with It's simply a difference in provided location. You also have in your whitelist so it makes a little sense.

Anyhow if it's not possible to add my requested urls with the above explanation would it be possible to add the urls provided in the docs:


It looks like is already on the whitelist. Is there something on the IBM docs pages that lists all of their regions? If you can point us to that, we can whitelist them all.

Hi, could you please add this to the whitelist:

We can only whitelist sites if they have an official public API, so please post a link to the API documentation if you want us to add something.

Hi here is the link to the documentation:

here is the information that the api key is free of charge: is already on the whitelist.

this means scraping the website is not possible but only accessing it via the api? or could you also add

That is correct. If they document it somewhere that that is part of the API, then we can whitelist it.

Kindly whitelist apis. Thank you

@recommendersystem we've added to our whitelist.

Also add please this computer monitoring software for business <a href="">try this site</a>

Send us a link to the API documentation that mentions and we'll consider it for the whitelist.

Can you add to whitelist?

Send us a link to the API documentation that mentions and we'll consider it for the whitelist.

HI can you add to the whitelist?

@Spryzu Send us a link to the API documentation that mentions and we'll consider it for the whitelist.

Is it possible to whitelist ? Here is the (french) link to the api documentation :

No problem. I have added that to the whitelist.

Hi! Will you please whitelist the USPTO Assignment API:

Swagger documentation at:

FAQ at:


@shaun it's done

About I can't find any documents. Only I found for node.js (, but this is from 9-8 years ago, so this method must be really old, but it still works well. So if you still require documentation, then I will try to refactor my script :|

About I can't find any documents. Only I found for node.js (, but this is from 9-8 years ago, so this method must be really old, but it still works well. So if you still require documentation, then I will try to refactor my script :|

Yes, we do need some kind of docs in order to whitelist any site.

Hi, can you add this url?

@luisbriones -- provide us with official documnetation of that endpoint and we'll see what we can do.

Hi, can you add this api? Documentation - Domain -

@Adarsh154 -- we've added to our whitelist.

Hi, can you add url on this api documentation to whitelist? .Thanks

@ChiperRay which endpoints are you interested in?

Hi! is it possible please to whitelist ?

It looks like the official API endpoint is on, so I've whitelisted that just now -- it should be active within about five minutes.

Hi PythonAnywhere team,

Is it possible to whitelist ?

Thanks in advance.

No problem. I have added that to the whitelist.


Please I'm having an issues with an API working on my app, could you please add it to the whitelist?

API Links:


I'll be grateful to get a prompt response. thanks.

@IAMLED -- the documentation you provided is a link to our forums. We need an official API documentation for

Sorry, my bad. This is the link to the official documentation:

The links to the API

That looks like they have a different hostname for different users, so it's not something we can add to the whitelist.

it is not different for different users. it is just one hostname for accessing their API. add this to whitelist please

In that case, please send a link to the page that effectively says "This is the hostname for the API"

This shows that for basic users this is the link, but for paid users who deploy their own model, the url can differ. But that is not the case here, this is the general link for basic users on a free plan.

@IAMLED It's done

Thank you so much @gleen. It is working now

Thanks for confirming that!

Hey, Could you whitelist Storj, please ?

Here's the link to docs -

They have a linksharing service, could you add that too ?

Link -

@OperationBlue can you link to the part of the docs where some API endpoints are defined?

@pafk Yep. Here it is - For linkshare -

Which url exactly are you using that is not working for you?

@pafk I am using it as an S3 object storage for uploading user files. In my S3 configuration I want to set


So I just want these two endpoints to be included. Could you do it ?

No problem. I have added and to the whitelist.

@glenn @pafk Thank you ! It's working now.

Hi, Could you add to whitelist please

We can only whitelist sites if they have an official public API, so please post a link to the API documentation if you want us to add something.

Hello there.

Could you add to whitelist please ? I didn't found any explicit declaration for this endpoint but they do use it in all the examples :

No problem. I have added that to the whitelist.

Hello Team, Could you add to whitelist Documentation:

requests.exceptions.ProxyError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /rps/v1/rps/skypetoken (Caused by ProxyError('Cannot connect to proxy.', OSError('Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden')))

Can you point us to the documentation page where the API endpoints and methods are mentioned?

Link for Skype HTTP API :

We need to know the domain that the API is served from.

Skype API domain

Kind regards

That's a lot of urls! Again -- we need a link to the documentation mentioning the given endpoint and the documentation should be hosted on the same domain or at least there should be an explicit link between the docs and the domain. So, for example, if you want us to whitelist there should be a documentation somewhere on pointing to as an API endpoint.

Okay worry out, I will figure the best way to use Skype API

Hi, could you please add this API to the whitelist

No problem. I have added to the whitelist.

Thank you for a quick response! It looks like URL my script uses is

Could you also add it to the whitelist?

That is not mentiioned in the documentation that you linked to. Send us a link to documentation that mentions that URL.

That page also does not mention

There is no such thing in the entire network. I've spent the last two days searching for this mention. But this is the official IBM's quantum computing API that Qiskit uses. There is only an indirect mention in Qiskit documentation: (but it's url=''). Quantum services documentation url: API's url:

We can only whitelist endpoints that are explicitly documented.

Hi there!

Could you put Clockify API in PA Proxy Whitelist? Documentations:

It looks like is already whitelisted.

HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /workspaces/****/reports/detailed (Caused by ProxyError('Cannot connect to proxy.', OSError('Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden')))

HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /workspaces/****/reports/detailed (Caused by ProxyError('Cannot connect to proxy.', OSError('Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden')))

Could you please add for whitelist? Documentations: and

That endpoint is already whitelisted, see

Could you please add for whitelist? For docs :

No problem -- I've added to our whitelist for you.

Can you add to the whitelist please?

Sure, no problem -- that's whitelisted now and should be active in about 5 minutes time.

Hello, im still getting the tunneling error, can u add this one too please? "".

We can only whitelist sites if they have an official public API, so please post a link to the API documentation if you want us to add something.

the documentation is on this page "" but the page im trying to get the info its ""

www and tile are subdomains of so that's OK -- I've whitelisted the requested endpoint.

Hi. Please add endpoints if possible. I'm trying to reach out /api/packages/<package>/recent and /api/packages/<package>/overall but I get 403 everytime. Thanks.

No problem. I have added to the whitelist.

@glenn Much appreciate that. Now it works! :)

@glenn Much appreciate that. Now it works! :)

please, add to whitelist

Dear Python Anywhere Team,

I would like to request the whitelisting of the following API (if it is possible).:

More precisely, I am interested in calling the following two API endpoints if possible.:



Detailed official API Documentation can be visited via the following link (it may require registration to view documentation – please note, registration is free of charge) .:

Thank you for your support!

It looks like you need to be logged in to read the docs. If you prepare an account for us, we can have a look at the docs.

Hey, you guys removed from the whitelist, can you please add it back.

Our policy is to whitelist only official and public APIs -- we realised at some point that there is no public youtube api exposed any more.

(With due respect) You shouldn't have done that!

Correct. We should not have had it on the allow list and now we have fixed that.

Either way Sir, Coz my project stopped working now.

You need to upgrade your account or use different system.


I am new in pythonanywhere.

I hosted my web site here. I am doing web scraping which works perfectly, downloading a data in csv file, but in pythonanywhere it blocks and deemed as robot.

can anybody help me ?

It could be the service you try to scrape blocking IP addresses of machines well known to be headless servers in data center.

Can you add to the whitelist? Here is a link to the documentation:

@jesseam Hi, has now been added to the whitelist.

Could you please add for whitelist? API -

@Bonjur Hi, has been added to the whitelist.

Hi can you add to the whitelist? Here is a link to the documentation:

@Enrico Hi, and have been added to the whitelist.

Hi. Please add "" to the whitelist? API Documentation is here and the API is served from the mentioned domain.

@BEfficient Hi, In regards to your request to whitelist the domain "", please note we need public documentation stating the hostname for the endpoint. We are not able to whitelist the domain based on the provided information, please send us a link to the documentation mentions the endpoint.

Hi. Please add to the whitelist. Thanks

requests.exceptions.ProxyError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /crypto/scan (Caused by ProxyError('Cannot connect to proxy.', OSError('Tunnel conne ction failed: 403 Forbidden')))

I see you have a paid account, so it should be working for you.

Good day! Could you please add to the whitelist. Thank you very much in advance!

As far as I understood, this is what you asked for:


(PS. I am newbie in programming, but keep learning)

requests.exceptions.ProxyError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /quotes/aapl (Caused by ProxyError('Cannot connect to proxy.', OSError('Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden')))


Thank you for your post

In regards to your request to whitelist the domain, please note we need public documentation fro stating the hostname for the endpoint.

We are not able to whitelist the domain based on the provided information.

Please see the URL below for additional information in regards to whitelist requests:

Hello! could you please add this one to the whitelist? (their documentation: i am kind of new to this, i assume other directories of that address would also work when whitelisted? i am also using Gspread, i dont know if this is already whitelisted. but i also dont know the exact web adres for it. this is the documentation:

thanks in advance!

@YDL has been added to the whitelist, if you would like any other endpoints to be whitelisted please send us the documentation. In regards to your request to whitelist the other domain, please note we need public documentation stating the hostname for the endpoint. You are able to see the full list of the whitelisted sites on the url below:

@hmalik thanks a lot. my code works now! all i needed :) (the other one probably used the google api servers that are already whitelisted.)

Could you please add to the whitelist the following API? The documentation is here:

They allow some free requests and would be useful if you could whitelist that.

@whbot has been added to the whitelist.

Could you please add to the whitelist the following API? The documentation is here: url documintation: url api: They allow some free requests and would be useful if you could whitelist that.

Could you please whitelist the following API?

Could you please whitelist the following API?

@AzyqOrganicBackend has been added to the whitelist.

@whbot has been added to the whitelist.

Thanks for your help. However, I'm trying to use the API above:

ip_address = str(request.headers['X-Real-IP'])
get_user_info_url = '' + str(ip_address) + '&key=' + ip2location_key
r = requests.get(get_user_info_url)

And I get the following 403 error:

urllib3.exceptions.MaxRetryError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /?ip= (Caused by ProxyError('Cannot connect to proxy.', OSError('Tunnel connection failed: 403 Forbidden')))

Do you have ideas?

When did it happen? Was it maybe before it was added to the whitelist?

Unfortunately, it happens after the whitelist. Thanks in advance

Requests usually picks up the proxy details from the environment are you sure that you are not overwriting the proxy details earlier in the code?

Thanks for your help, however, no I'm not overwriting it but I find the real error:

{"error":{"error_code":10004,"error_message":"Translation is not available with your plan."}}

Do you know what's translation? And do you know if there's a way to solve this problem? Thanks!

That sounds like you need to upgrade your account on

That's strange because they allow 30K free requests per month for their free users... Thanks anyway!

Hey there! Can you please whitelist the following public APIs?

@ClayEdmonton has been added to the whitelist. In regards to your other request, please note we are unable to view the documentation. Please note we can only whitelist sites with an official public API.

Hello! Could you please whitelist the following API?

@chitony If you would like the above domain to be considered for the whitelist , please send us a link to the API documentation. Please note we can only whitelist sites with an official public API.

@hmalik here is the API documentation link

@chitony Thank you for your reply. Please note we need public documentation stating the hostname for the endpoint, we are unable to the whitelist the domain based on the information sent. If that is the official API documentation, can you please send us a direct link from the official website linking us to that documentation. Please can you also confirm the official domain name? We will then be able to consider adding the requested API to the whitelist.

Hello! I am trying to access a website using requests with my telegram bot. The website is whitelisted, however I am still getting the 403 error. The website is The code is

url = ''
r = requests.get(url)

Any help would be appreciated.

What do you see in the content of the response -- that is, r.content in your example code above? It might be that the 403 is a general "forbidden" error coming from rather than from our systems.

@giles r.content doesn't work because I can't even connect to the website. It tells me

Max retries exceeded with url: /explorer

I think this happens because when I try and go on the site, it redirects me to the /explorer page, which probably isn't whitelisted. Guess I'll have to use a different site. Sorry for wasting your time.

That sounds strange; the whitelist is on a per-host basis, so if is whitelisted then so is Is the /explorer URL on a different hostname?

Hello there! Could you please whitelist one more url? API documentation page :

@neildub Hi, I can now confirm has been added to the whitelist.

Hi! I have a mistake! request.exceptions.ProxyError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Maximum retries exceeded with URL: /crypto/scan (Caused by ProxyError('Can do not connect to proxy.', OSError('Tunnel connection error: 403 Forbidden'))) is it possible to whitelist

@Marina88 Hello.We have added to the allow-list

Good morning,

I am getting this error: requests.exceptions.ProxyError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443)

Could you please whitelist
Thanks, Erah

@erah Hi, If you would like the above domain to be considered for the whitelist , please send us a link to the API documentation. Please note we can only whitelist sites with an official public API.

can you whitelist ?


Hey, I am afraid they don't have any documentation at all. The API I need to access leads to JSON file from which I get string values based on users input. Is there any other way to get this to work on Pythonanywhere?

You can upgrade your account or provide a link to documentation for the API.

please whitelist link to api:

@yoxiyay791 Hi, Thank you for your message. Can you please confirm the endpoint you would like us to consider adding? If that is also the official documentation, can you please send us a direct link from the website to that documentation.

Could you add this URL( ) to the whitelist.API documentation page :

@watam Hi, If you would like the above domain to be considered for the whitelist , please send us a direct link to the API documentation stating the requested endpoint. Please note we can only whitelist sites with an official public API.

Thank you for your reply. The API endpoints I want to use are the following two.

API documentation is below.

Could you please add to the whitelist?

Can you add

to the whitelist.

@csbsBlaze Thank you for your request. If you would like the above domains to be considered for the whitelist , please send us a direct link to the API documentation. Please note we can only whitelist sites with an official public API. Please also send links to the official websites.

@watam Thank you for your reply. Please note the documentation link sent does not state the requested endpoints. If you would like us to consider your request, please send us a link to the documentation which states the requested endpoints. Can you please also send us a link to the official website.

Hi! Could you please whitelist The documentation for the above site is

Example API URL :

@csbsBlaze Hi, Thank you for your message. If that is the official API documentation, can you please send us a direct link from the official website linking us to that documentation? Please can you also provide us with the link for the official website? We will then be able to consider adding the requested API to the whitelist.

Github Documentation => Github API =>

Hackerrank Documentation =>!/Introduction/options_intro_api/ Hackerrank API =>

Linkedin Documentation => Linkedin API =>

Thanks in advance

@csbsBlaze Hi, Thank you for your message. In regards to your request for , can you please send us a link to the direct documentation which states the requested endpoint.

I can confirm has now been added to the allow list.

In regards to your request, please send us a direct link to the documentation and please also confirm the endpoint you would like us to consider adding.

I'm sorry for the many times.

api endpoint:

api document:

rinna-developers-api website:

Could you add the API "" to the whitelist as I use it to send/receive Whatsapp messages

@ziada If you would like the above domain to be considered for the whitelist , please send us a link to the API documentation and the link to the official website. Please note we can only whitelist sites with an official public API.

Here is it:

@ziada Thank you for your reply. Can you please provide us with a link to the official website? Please note if that is the official documentation we will need for it to be linked to the website.

Hello can be added to the whitelist? Thx

Hello can be added to the whitelist? Thx

If you would like us to whitelist a site, you can submit a request on this page:

Select the "Anaconda Notebooks/PythonAnywhere Allow List Request" option. You will need to provide:

  • Your email address, so that we can let you know when it's done, or if we have questions.
  • A link to the API documentation. Particularly to documentation that states the domain where the API is published.
  • The domain or domains (including subdomains) that the API is served from.

Hi, can you put to whitelist, please?

@sandikr see the message from @fjl immediately above yours.

please add

If you would like us to whitelist a site, you can submit a request on this page:

Select the "Anaconda Notebooks/PythonAnywhere Allow List Request" option. You will need to provide:

  • Your email address, so that we can let you know when it's done, or if we have questions.
  • A link to the API documentation. Particularly to documentation that states the domain where the API is published.
  • The domain or domains (including subdomains) that the API is served from.

hey could you please add to the whitelist too, thank you

If you would like us to whitelist a site, you can submit a request on this page:

Select the "Anaconda Notebooks/PythonAnywhere Allow List Request" option. You will need to provide:

  • Your email address, so that we can let you know when it's done, or if we have questions.
  • A link to the API documentation. Particularly to documentation that states the domain where the API is published.
  • The domain or domains (including subdomains) that the API is served from.

is in white list?

No, it is not.