
Email (and general musing)

Am I correct in assuming that there is no way (yet) to receive email (other than pulling it from somewhere else of course)?

I would like to switch from my old-school "web host" to PA, but the most important thing they do for me is email.

True, I could buy a "domain name and email" package -but that is pretty much what I have now.

I don't personally need to send mail via PA (it would be nice, but I assume that opens a can of spam worms), and I'm guessing that most personal users could similarly send via a relay provided by whoever they got connectivity from (?).

[Maybe could find a supplier/partner that could do domains and email either invisibly behind PA or even as a 'special-offer to PA customers' (and perhaps even relaying incoming email (via https to a nominated PA URL?) -so we can do whatever we want with it, in python on PA ) I vote for using a smaller company (and one that doesn't shoot elephants like 'Daddy does) ]

Mail would also be a good 'available with a paid account' carrot.

More generally: [blather warning]

I'm thinking: "what could I use a handy Python powered personal cloud-puter for?"

Note the "personal". For me, the interesting thing about PA is the way it feels like a missing link between PC and Internet (more like a programmable modem than Heroku et al -if you see what I mean)

So what could I use it for? Granted, 'no-install, web-based' is a big win BUT more interesting to me is what PA can do that I can't do on my local PC or phone or portable-python-on-usb-drive-on-my-car-keys-puter

What does always-on, always-online, static-ip, isolated-for-security get you?? For me, the big win is email. If I could receive email and then filter, triage, forward, route and collect mail using a bunch of Python scripts running on my PA-puter -I would be happy indeed.

So there.

'Zep' (tragically, born without a real name)

That's an interesting idea, though I'm not sure how it fits with how we view PythonAnywhere. We're a very small team, so we have to prioritise ruthlessly to get anything useful done. There are a number of useful IMAP libraries for Python that you could use to do all sorts of useful stuff to an email account that it nowhere near PythonAnywhere. We tend to think of PythonAnywhere as an execution engine with a little of the associated stuff (file storage and web servers etc.) which then makes the whole internet something you can execute against.

Oh no -dammed by "that's an interesting idea, [but]" !! :-)

For the record, I absolutely get that you are a small focused team -hence my talk of your using a "supplier/partner" (ie rather than putting something together yourselves).

We tend to think of PythonAnywhere as an execution engine<< No, no that's not specific enough ;-) Please have a strategy document: "PythonAnywhere as a personal computer for the cloud" on my desk by 9am.


Seriously, though -- any suggestions about good companies we might want to partner with? Definitely agreed that small == better, but of course all of the people we're likely to turn up with a web search will be the big guys...