
Rate Limiter Issue

I have implemented a very simple rate-limiter using flask_limiter. When testing the code out it is not working. I can confirm that it is properly installed, the server is unable to pick up on the rate limit exceeding.

What does flask limiter limits show?

it simply does not show anything ignores the code as if its not there. Upon further research I need to have the storage on some for of caching I attempted to implement a redislite db to store the cache but dont know what to write for "storage_uri". Currently I have it setup like this:

limiter = Limiter( app=app, key_func=get_remote_address, default_limits=["200 per hour"], storage_uri="memory://redis.db", storage_options={} )

however even this is not working. currently the rate limiter only supports redis, memcache and mongodb.

Perhaps you could try memcache? Memcachier provide both free and more highly-specced paid accounts that you can use from PythonAnywhere.