
As a Paid User, Celery + RedisLab will work?


I have been searching this in the forum, and wonder if Celery + RedisLab will work in PA?

(I have a paid account which lets me use redislab)

That should be fine, but perhaps you could give some more details about your use case so that we can warn you of any potential pitfalls?

Ok Great.

I was able to achieve asyncrhonous work using Celery +Redis(Cloud or Redis Labs).

The magic part was to run this command in 'Always On Task': - source /home/minsoura/django_env/bin/activate && cd ~/django_project_name/ && celery -A django_project_name worker -l info

For people, searching for Celery to work in PA, I just want to say it is possible if you have a paid account since you can use Redis Cloud + (regiestering celery worker as the always-on task)

Thanks for letting us know!